Season 7 Episode 3: The Girl Next Door

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*Milestone Post! One of the chapters hit 100 views, so we're getting a bonus post in today*

She now knew her dad and the Winchesters had made it out. The boys were in the hospital, so it was still optimistic to say in one piece. What was more, Jody had identified some of the staff at the hospital were in fact Leviathans. Bobby had gone toe to toe with one and was lucky he lived to tell the tale, because they had no idea of how to gank these things. Robin's plan included borrowing an ambulance to make their escape, having no idea what shape the boys would be in. She loaded up her bike and made a quick call to Jody before she headed to Sioux Falls General. When she got there, she saw her father sitting in one of the ambulances watching intently in the rearview mirror.

She pulled up alongside of the ambulance, "We waiting for dramatic effect" she asked?

"Waiting for Dean" He replied as the elder Winchester hopped in the passenger seat.

The doors opened and two doctors started to charge Robin. She shot them both in the knees. "Keys now" she shouted at her father who tossed her a set of car keys. "Start for Aurora Colorado" she instructed. "I'll be in touch".

The ambulance sped off and Robin maneuvered her bike just barely out of the grip of the approaching Leviathan. She made her way to the public parking area of the Hospital, looking for the impala. Fortunately, it stood out like a sore thumb. She parked her bike several spaces away, and looked back at it, knowing Jody would take good care of it for her. She hopped in the impala and took off, soon catching up with her father and leaving Sioux falls in the rearview mirror.

They pulled off the highway after several hours of driving in Lincoln Nebraska. They stopped at a small gas station to fuel up, they still had a long drive ahead of them.

When the passenger side door to the van opened Dean hobbled over on crutches at a swift pace to Robin standing beside the impala, "Don't worry Dean, I didn't hurt-"

Robin was cut short when Dean hugged her, nearly knocking her over between the impact and his struggle to balance on one leg. "I thought you were dead" he said in a desperate low growl.

"I thought you were" she murmured hugging him back. As her stomach started to flutter, she tried to push the feelings away quickly the way she was best at it, comedic relief, "I thought you were pissed at me" she chuckled as she started to pull away from the hug.

"It doesn't matter" he told her as he hugged her tighter.

"How's the leg" she asked as she tried again to suppress the emotions that were affecting her on a greater level than she expected?

"Sore" he told her, "Morphine is wearing off".

"You mind if I give my daughter a hug there Dean" Bobby asked announcing his presence?

Dean stepped back on his crutches getting out of Bobby's way.

"You scared the shit out of me old man" she snarled hugging her father.

"Yeah well, I owed ya one" he told her.

Sam slowly walked up to join them by the impala. "How you feelin stretch" she asked him?

"Not awesome" he told her.

"Kinda figured" she shrugged.

"So, Aurora" Bobby asked?

"Yeah, Mitch Gregory's place" she nodded.

"Wow he took your call" Bobby looked at her in surprise?

"Yeah, I wasn't sure either" she shook her head, "But he went to Denver for me and got into Rufus's locker".

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