Season 3 Episode 12: Jus in Bello

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Robin was coming out of the coffee shop. That's when she saw the cop cars, swat van, and a black van she could assume was FBI. She grabbed her phone and tried to call Dean, busy. She tried Sam, no answer. The vehicles pulled up outside the B&B they had traced Bela to. The boys were in there trying to find the colt. The problem with this commotion was they were both fugitives. Dean had been framed by a shapeshifter with a lust for blood and decided to use his face. The two had been apprehended before where Sam assisted in Dean's escape. Meanwhile in that situation a corrupt cop who planned on making Dean the fall guy for his own murders, before killing him.

It was too late for Robin to warn them. She rushed down an ally nearby and called her father. "We got a code blue dad".

"How bad"?

She looked around the corner to see both boys chained and being put in a paddy wagon. "The boys, both of em, FBI, it's bad".

"I guess it's time for you to suit up" Bobby told her, "Welcome to the big leagues of con little girl. You're about to face the FBI".

Robin quickly found a motel nearby, and a store she could buy business wear. She called her dad back and got all the information she would need. The legal info she needed, the names of the agents on the case, the locals, where the boys were destined for, all of it. There was no better con artist than Bobby Singer, Robin had learned from the best.

It was starting to get dark when she arrived at the local jail. She walked in with confidence, but false confidence. "My name is Joan Harris" she told the young girl at the desk, "I am the Winchesters council". The girl at the desk handed her a sign in sheet.

"I didn't realize they had lawyered up" a man came from behind a desk. He was in a shirt and tie, this must be the Fed.

"And yet here I am" she replied calmly, "Mr.-"

"Agent" He corrected "Henricksen".

Henricksen, this was the guy who had lost them twice already. Great, his haunches were going to be up, no pressure Singer.

"I don't recall seeing you before" he told her.

"Isn't it obvious" she said pointing to her face, referring to her age, "I'm new".

"Your office sent a rookie for a case like this" Henricksen asked?

"Look I don't know what to tell you agent. I do know they have a right to an attorney, a right that is currently being violated. So can I see my clients now"?

"Just let me check your credentials" he told her, "Then I will let you see your clients".

"Fine" she said producing a business card. Henricksen took it and returned to the desk he had been at and called the number. This number would get him through to the offices of Fuller and Wade, aka her kitchen in South Dakota.

When Henricksen returned he asked, "you mind if I keep this" referring to her card?

"Be my guest" she replied "Are we good here agent"?

"Right this way ma'am" told her as he led her to the holding cells.

The boys spotted her and stood up immediately.

"Your lawyer is here" Henricksen announced.

"Gentlemen" Robin nodded, "I'm Joan Harrison. I was sent by the firm".

"And what firm is that again" Henricksen asked her?

He was testing her. "Fuller and Wade" she replied with confidence. "Tell me agent, what is it that offends you, my age or my gender"?

"I'll leave you with your clients" he told her as he walked out to the main office.

"Thank you ever so much" she smiled.

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