Season 10 Episode 14: Executioners Song Part 1

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*Today is one Dean Winchester's Birthday. So I figure a bonus post was required.*

It had been a few weeks since Charlie had left. The residual effects of the poppy essence had made it so Robin took a little longer to bounce back, not quite up to a hunt, not until now. The boys had been on the road on a few cases and for the most part there had been no real issues on the Mark front.

Robin had hunkered down and done research, copious amounts of research. When it came to the mark and the newest development, the book of the damned. Nothing she could find on the thing was legible and it was about a week ago Charlie called her clingy and told her to stop calling every day. Not a great look for Robin.

She came across a weird potential case. A disappearance, inside of a prison. This wasn't what made it one of their cases. It was the fact that no one saw anyone come in or out because the lights went out in the facility. What's more no one knew HOW this person got in.

"The Zodiac" Dean asked Sam as the three headed for Livingston West Virginia?

"Seven victims" Sam declared.



"That's some freaky stuff, man" Dean shook his head. "It's a whole new side of you."

"It's called true crime, Dean" Sam shook his head. "It's a hobby."

"No. Bass fishing, needlepoint ...that's a hobby, okay" Dean replied? "Collecting serial-killer stats... that's... that is an illness."

"He's actually right Dean" Robin spoke up from the back seat. "Following true crime is becoming a really popular pass time."

"Thank you Robin" Sam nodded.

"With soccer moms" she added.

Dean chuckled before he smiled in the rearview mirror at her as they pulled into the prison parking lot.

"So do your best to not get a hard-on here Sammy but I got some stats here okay" she continued to pick at him. "Tommy Tolliver was convicted of six murders back in '09, but those are just the ones that stuck. According to the news, he escaped from a locked cell on death row. We're talking of the magic variety here."

"So what are we thinking" Dean asked? "Some sort of a mass-murdering magician?"

"All they would need is the juice to teleport" Robin shrugged. "I make it look easy now, but there was a time you found me passed out in a parking lot."

"Could be our wheelhouse" Sam nodded to his brother.

"Yeah, your wheelhouse. "Hobby" Dean got in one last barb.

The three were taken to death row, where the disappearance took place. Robin was soon met with cat calls from men who looked at her like she was their last meal. Both Winchesters soon closed in on her protectively.

"I wore the pant suit and the ass kickin boots for a reason boy" she grinned at them.

"Warden Skeiff" Dean asked as they found a man bent down examining the floor of the cell in question?

The man stood up and turned to face them.

"Uh, Inspectors Moore, Gordon and Ranaldo" Sam introduced them. "We spoke on the phone."

"Yeah" he nodded. "Welcome to death row. Have a look." The three walked into the cell and started to look for any of their typical indicators, but there was really nothing. "Good luck finding anything out of TDJC compliance." The warden stepped out of the cell and Sam followed him, asking him further questions.

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