Season 8 Episode 11: LARP and the Real Girl Part 2

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Charlie guided them to a tent with clothes that were more appropriate for the event. This was exciting for Robin, it had been years since she'd been to an event like this. But the reality was she was still on a case, and a princess gown wouldn't serve her well. Instead she opted for a pair of chocolate brown leggings, a long sleeved deep red Henley top and a tight brown leather vest. It wasn't the most exciting costume, but it served it's purpose. She emerged from the tent and Charlie and Dean were waiting for her.

"Whoa, Robin" Charlie smiled. "Very Natalie Portman in Your Highness."

"With a better rack" Robin nodded.

"You're all class Singer" Dean chuckled.

"Eyes up here" Winchester she replied as she inspected his squire costume. She shook her head, "All these years playin the cool guy, you are a closet geek."

"If by geek you mean awesome "he scoffed at her.

"Same thing" she shrugged as they started to walk the grounds with Charlie.

"You always been into LARPing" Dean asked her?

"Nah. For role-play, I prefer a tabletop. D&D, Gamma World, Car Wars" She explained. "That's why Cthulhu invented multi-sided dice, right? But a buddy of mine was into LARPing. Went for him, stayed for the chicks. It's not just that, though. It's an escape. I mean, here, I'm queen, a hero. Out there in the real world, I'm just hacking out code and chugging coffee all day long."

"Whoa Charlie" Robin stopped, "These guys may not know it, but you are a hero in the real world too. You helped us stop Dick Roman, that is not something to be diminished. You saved the world lady, better recognize."

As they were on their trek, they came across several of the other players who stop and bow at Charlie.

"I'm noticing a lot of these maidens checking you out" Dean chuckled.

"What? I can't shut this down" Charlie scoffed before she put a hand on Dean's arm, "It's good to be queen."

Robin smiled at her and the three continued along the grounds to speak to the elves. After a flirtatious encounter where Robin had to make it clear she was with Dean and not Charlie, they were able to eliminate their tribe from the list of suspects. The only one remaining was the Shadow Orcs, a group who hid in the hills and were known to be difficult to locate. Fortunately they'd encountered one on arrival. When the knight from earlier was in an exchange with the guy in the stockade, that guy had been a captured shadow orc.

"Death to the queen! Death to the usurper" He shouted upon their approach! "Death to her manservant! Death to her vile witch!"

Dean pulled his wooden sword and hit the stocks close to the Orc's head.

"Whoa" Robin told him, "Little close babe."

"What" He scoffed? "Well, there's no laptops in Moondoor. There's no Geneva Convention, either."

Robin shook her head before she took the picture of the tree symbol to the Orc, "Have you seen this?"

"Yeah, of course" he shrugged.

"Okay" Robin nodded, "This would be the point where you tell me where."

"No" he shook his head, "No. No, I haven't seen it." Dean placed the sword at his chin. Okay, it's the Shadow King's family crest" He spouted out. "You'll never find him in the Black Hills."

"The forest behind the playground" Charlie nodded. "Come on." With that Dean and Robin followed her into the woods. They weren't on the path long when they ran into the knight from earlier.

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