Season 5 Episode 2 Good God Y'all

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*Jan 27 2023* 

*This post was originally posted something like 6 months ago. I went back and have been skimming some of my older stuff and realized 3/4 of this chapter was missing! So here it is, the whole thing...seriously hoping I didn't do this more than once*

Bobby wasn't doing so hot. Physically he was okay, alive at least, even up out of bed. But since he was freshly confined to a wheelchair, he wasn't good emotionally. What was more was Robin was the Singer who was more open to talking about emotions, which basically meant Bobby had clammed up.

She was coming back to his hospital room from getting a coffee when she saw the door was closed. When she walked in, Castiel had arrived.

"What did I miss" she asked slipping in the door and closing it behind her?

"Only that the witless winged wonder lost his mojo" Bobby spat.

Robin handed Dean a coffee, "performance issues Cass" Robin asked?

"I'm not interested in your perverse sense of humor right now young lady" Bobby snapped at her.

"It's a coping mechanism" she shrugged. "What's going on Castiel" she asked making eye contact with the angel?

"I have been cut off from Heaven" Castiel explained. "My power is limited. It seems to have upset your father".

"Upset my father" she asked taking a sip of her coffee? "Nah, that's his happy face".

"Why would he be happy" Castiel asked her confused? "I would assume he would be furious".

"Right, forgot. We don't speak the same language" Robin nodded.

"She's being sarcastic Cass" Dean nodded.

"I don't understand the appeal of sarcasm" Castiel turned away.

"I don't understand the appeal of a powerless Angel, with zero sense of humor" she shrugged, "but here we are".

Changing the subject quickly, Sam turned to Castiel, "The Angels have talked about Robin on Angel radio" Sam told him. "Called her our fierce Ally".

"Right" Castiel nodded walking over to Robin, "she should be warded". He walked over to her and pressed his palm to her breast.

There was a sudden and severe stabbing pain all through her rib cage and she screamed hunching over.

"It will pass quickly" Castiel told her.

"What the hell did you just do to me" she asked still hunched over?!

Dean walked to her side and helped to stand her upright before showing her an x-ray. It was of a rib cage that had warding symbols etched into the bones. "This" Dean nodded.

She looked at the x-ray and shook, "ok, yeah" she nodded, "that's pretty fucking cool". She then walked over to Castiel and gave him a right hook. "That's for copping a feel Feathers" she snapped.

"I didn't-" he shook his head, "I was warding you" he explained.

The Winchesters and the Singers were working on a plan to kill Lucifer, using the sword of Michael. Castiel was not on board, he told them their plan was foolish and reckless. He had a plan of his own.

"God" Castiel explained, "I'm going to find him".

"Hasn't he been MIA, for a couple million years" Robin asked?

"Yeah" Dean nodded, "my theory is the guy is dead, or sipping drinks from a coconut and really does not care anymore".

"This is a strategic plan" Castiel defended, "with God, we can win".

"It's a pipe dream Cass" Dean barked.

"I have killed two Angels this week" Castiel snapped. "My brothers. I have rebelled, I am hunted. I did it all for you! You failed! Your brother destroyed the world. I have lost everything. So, keep your opinions to yourself".

"Is he about to sing" Robin asked? "A little Brian Adams, prince of thieves action"?

Dean glared at her.

"You didn't drop in to tear us a new one" Bobby snapped.

"I came for something" Castiel explained, "an amulet".

"What kind of amulet" Bobby asked?

"Very rare, very powerful" Castiel explained, "it burns brighter in God's presence, it will help me find him".

"Dad, I didn't know you had shit that powerful" Robin nodded, unable to hide how impressed she was.

On top of his services to the hunting community, and his extensive lore he had, Bobby had quite the collection of objects for tracking, warding, summoning. You name it.

"I don't" Bobby told her.

"I know you don't" Castiel told him, and then looked to the pendant hanging around Dean's neck.

"What this" Dean asked?

"I gave that to Dean when we were kids" Sam shook his head. "I found it; I cleaned it up. It was just something I found, his Christmas gift".

"It also happens to be very powerful" Castiel nodded. "May I borrow it" he asked Dean?


"Dean, give it to me" he snapped.

Dean reluctantly slid the pendant over his head, "don't lose it" he snapped.

"I'll be in touch" Castiel nodded, before he left the room.

"If you see God, tell him to send legs" Bobby shouted after him. He looked at Robin, "Baby girl, nice swing. If you hadn't hit him, I was gonna".

"Thanks dad" she grinned.

Bobby's phone started ringing on the table. Robin grabbed it and looked at the number, "Rufus" she nodded, tossing him the phone.

"Hello" he asked? "I can't hear you.... where are you...Colorado? Riverpass Colorado? Rufus, are you there"?

"Riverpass" Robin asked?

Robin and the boys booked it to Colorado, but after a bitch fest from Bobby about how he'd be little use in that chair.

When they approached the town, they discovered the bridge was destroyed.

"This is the only road in or out" Dean nodded.

"So we hoof it" Robin snapped, "I'm not leaving Rufus out there".

"No one is leaving anyone" Sam said thoughtfully.

Rufus Turner. One of the only people alive who was crankier and more paranoid than Bobby Singer. Robin had known Rufus since she was a kid, he was like a cranky uncle to her. Once upon a time, Rufus and Bobby were partners. The partnership went south soon after Robin was brought to Bobby. With no one to watch over her while he went on hunts, Bobby was forced to take her with him. This led to him making an error on a hunting trip that Rufus claimed he would never forgive. Robin called that bullshit. They didn't hunt together anymore, but they were always there for the other. Both were just too God damn stubborn to admit it. Rufus never missed a birthday, always sent Robin a card. He told her that's because she was Addy's daughter, not because of Bobby.

They made their way through the decimated town. There were cars flipped over and the streets were empty. Most of the cars were in rough shape, but there was a cherry red mustang, untouched.

"Hi kids" a voice came from behind them. The three spun around and spotted Ellen. "Lemme tell you, if you're in that little girl right now, big mistake".

"It's me Ellen" Robin remarked.

"Prove it" Ellen demanded. "Tell me something only Robin would know".

"Such as" Robin asked?

"Alright" Ellen nodded. "Spring break 2004".

"Ellen no" Robin gasped.

"That reaction was a good sell" Ellen nodded, "what were you drinking when I busted the party"?

Robin sighed, "fuzzy navels" she admitted.

"You were wearing" Ellen asked?

"A hula skirt" Robin cringed, "and a dish towel".

"And you were singing" Ellen grinned, now amused.

"I am the warrior " She sighed, "Patty Smyth, Scandal".

"Good enough" Ellen shrugged lowering her gun.

"It was good enough at fuzzy navels" Robin grumbled giving Ellen a hug.

She was reluctant to look at the boys, but winced and made eye contact.

"Oh we're putting a pin in this for later" Dean nodded before he was embraced by Ellen. She then stepped back and slapped him. "Ellen, what the hell"?!

"You know the can of whoop ass, I oughta open on you" she snapped at Dean, "you can't pick up a phone? You're allergic to giving people peace of mind? I gotta find out from Rufus you're alive"?

"He's with you" Robin asked?

"He was" she nodded, "thank god you three showed up".

Ellen led them to a church, where they descended the stairs. Ellen banged on a door, and a young soldier opened it.

"It's me" Ellen nodded, "these are my friends".

They all entered the basement, there was a pastor, and a young couple, the woman was pregnant. There was a man in a business suit, nervously playing with his ring.

"We're dealing with demons kids" Ellen explained.

"How many" Robin asked?

"Most of the town" Ellen nodded. "Rufus called, me and Jo were nearby".

"Where's Jo" Robin asked immediately?

Ellen looked down, "we got separated".

"Okay" Robin got to her feet and grabbed a duffle they'd brought.

"Whoa Robin" Sam asked, "what are you doing"?

"Going after Jo" Robin replied hauling out a sawed off.

"You can't go out there halfcocked" Dean told her, "we all want to get Jo back".

"You've avoided her for how long Dean" Robin replied?

"That's different" Dean snarled.

"Is it" Robin asked? "Because all I know is someone I would sell my soul for is missing. So, if you don't have something helpful to contribute".

"Robin Elizabeth" Ellen snapped, "I need you right now little girl. We need to be smart about this".

"Fine" Robin snarled.

"We'll case the joint" Dean nodded sternly at Robin "Sam and I. You two stay here and start shotgun 101".

"So you're benching me" she asked?

"No, we need you here" Dean told her.

"You sure about that" she asked? "Or are you sulking"?

"I'm not getting into this with you now Robin" Dean warned her.

"You're not getting into anything at all with me Dean" she snapped back.

The two scowled at each other for a moment, when Dean broke the staring contest, "we'll be back soon" he growled as the two of them left.

"Something happen there sweetheart" Ellen asked?

"Not a god damn thing" Robin replied as she started to lay her guns out on the table.

"Jo is over all that Dean business you know" Ellen told her.

"Good' Robin nodded as she dismantled a shot gun. "She's too good for him anyway".

"If something happened-"Ellen added.

"Damn it Ellen, nothing happened" She snapped. "I'm not interested in Dean Winchester".

"Okay" Ellen nodded putting her hands up defensively.

Robin was soon training the civilians in the church how to load and how to shoot. Where to aim, and why regular bullets weren't going to work on their black-eyed friends.

When the boys returned, they'd gotten the rundown of the town. Dean took Robin aside, "look, I'm sorry about earlier" he nodded, "you and I work well together, and we can't be at each other's throats right now".

"Agreed" Robin nodded.

"And I need an extra set of eyes on Sammy" Dean nodded.

"What happened" Robin asked?

"He shanked a couple demons" Dean nodded, "he had a knife, covered in blood".

"We do not need this right now" she shook her head.

"No kiddin" he nodded. He started to help her at the table, getting the guns ready.

The soldier approached them at the table. "You know how to handle a gun at all" Dean asked him?

He proceeded to expertly take apart his gun. He looked at Robin and smiled, "I'm Austin".

"Robin" she nodded, watching as he laid out the parts of his piece.

"Dean" he nodded, intentionally butting in. "Where did you serve?'

"Fallujah" he nodded, "two tours. You"?

"Hell" Dean replied. Austin laughed. "No, really" Dean nodded.

"How about you" Austin asked Robin.

"I didn't serve" she shook her head. "Just hunts with these two and my dad".

"Training from your dad counts" Dean nodded.

Robin chuckled quietly.

"You know what you're doing" Austin, grinned.

"I do" she nodded.

"That translate to anywhere else" he asked her?

"You gonna pull the whole, if we get out of this alive line, Austin" she asked? "Or are you going with the, we may not make it out of this, so before we die line"?

"Does either one work" he asked her?

She looked over at Dean who was glaring back and forth at she and Austin. She then turned back to her gun and replied, "well I'm on a case, and I'm a professional. So, the later? Absolutely not. The first one? Doesn't usually work out too well when a guy makes me the prize at the end of the day. I'm the kiss of death sweetheart".

"But what a way to go" he told her as he grabbed his gun and sauntered away.

"Swing and a miss" Dean snapped when Austin was out of earshot.

"Was it" Robin asked? "Or did I just give him incentive to try again later"?

She looked back at Dean who wasn't making eye contact with her. He loaded his gun, got up and walked away without a word.

Ellen walked over to Robin, "okay, I've waited long enough".

"We're doing this" Robin asked?

"Yeah kiddo" she nodded, "let's go".
The two started for the door and Ellen looked over to the Winchesters, "we'll be back".

"You're going out there" Sam asked?

"I can't sit on my ass while my daughter's out there" Ellen nodded. "Robin is chompin at the bit. Yeah, we're going".

"I'll go with you" Sam said getting to his feet.

"Whoa" Dean snapped, "can I talk to you for a second" taking his brother aside?

In their back and forth Sam got angry and shoved Dean into the wall.

"Hey this gonna take long boys" Robin called? "Getting a little trigger happy over here".

The three set out into the town looking for any sign of where the demons were held up.

"So you're hunting with Jo now" Sam asked Ellen? "I thought you said she couldn't hack it".

"She can't" she told him. "But she's gonna do it anyway".

"Maybe it's you two I should be hunting with" Robin murmured.

"Thanks for that" Sam snapped.

"You're not gonna admit, I've become a giant pain in your ass lately" she asked him?

"No" Sam told her, "I'm not. You have been the one to keep me going".

"Well your brother might say different" Robin snapped back.

"Hey" Ellen snapped at them both. "That chimney look like it's going"?

They both looked up at the house she was looking at and gave a nod.

They edged closer to the house and spotted guards with black eyes.

"Well we found Hell's vacation home" Robin whispered.

"Demons don't get cold" Sam added, "wonder what they're burning".

Suddenly Robin was hit in the back of the head with the butt of a shot gun. She started to black out just before she heard Jo's voice.

When she woke up, she was tied to a chair.

"You sadistic son of a bitch", she looked up just in time to see Rufus backhand her. "Get the hell out of her".

"Rufus" she groaned, "it's me".

"Oh really Robin, somethings different about you" he said slapping her again. "New contacts"?

"You paranoid sack of shit" she snarled at him, looking him in the eyes, they were black. "So that's how we're playin this huh? You demonic asshole"?

Robin got punched in the face, "get the hell out of my best friend you black eyed skank". Robin looked up, and spotted Jo, her eyes were black too.

"Pray I don't get out of this chair" Robin growled, "because I will rip you apart.

Jo punched her again, "I won't tell you again" she shouted.

"What the fuck are you talking about" Robin snapped? "You're the fucking demon".

"You think this is a game" Rufus shouted at her?

Robin thought for a moment, why did they think she was a demon? What if they weren't demons. "Okay" Robin nodded. "Jo, if you're not a demon, you know I'm warded, and you know where my tattoo is, find it and check if it's still there".

Jo looked at her funny for a second, but went around to the back of the chair and checked Robin's lower back, "it's fine" she said.

"Why did I put it there" Robin asked?

"So if a demon tries to possess you" Jo nodded, "they can bend over and kiss your ass".

"Bingo" Robin nodded. "I'm gonna do something" she explained. "If anyone is a demon in this room, they're about to be outted".

"Don't try anything funny" Rufus snarled.

"Regnea terrea, cantate deo psallite demano".

"How the hell are you doing that without a twitch" Rufus asked her?

"I think something is happening here guys" she nodded, "making us see each other as demons".

"Was that a real exorcism" Jo asked Rufus?

"It was" Rufus nodded, "dead on".

"You got holy water" Robin added? "I think we should raise a toast".

Jo poured some holy water into Robin's mouth. When she saw she'd swallowed the two rushed to untie her.

"Where are your mom and Sam" Robin asked?

"Mom got away" Jo replied, "Sam is down the hall".

Robin sprinted down the hall, "Sam" she called.

"Robin" he shouted.

She ran into the room with Rufus and Jo behind her. She started to untie him, "think we're being taken for a ride bud" she explained.

"I know" he said, "It's War".

"Like four horsemen War" she asked?

"We knew him as Roger" he explained, "back at the church".

"The guy who kept" she stopped, "playing with his fucking ring. Each horseman has a god damn ring and we didn't even notice".

"So how do we know who are demons and who aren't" Jo asked?

"Your mom is smart enough to wear an anti-possession charm" Robin nodded to Jo.

"I called mom a bitch" Jo's eyes got wide.

"She can ground you later" Robin shrugged, "we're kind of in the middle of something Jo. Dean has the same tattoo as me".

"How do you know that" Jo asked?

Sam pulled his shirt down to show his tattoo, "we all got them together".

"Are you fucking serious" Robin hissed at Jo, offended at what she implied?

Suddenly they heard gun shots from outside and down the hall.

"You go see what's going on down the hall" Robin instructed Sam. "I'll slip out the back and see what's going on in the street".

Jo tossed her a shot gun, and she slipped out the back.

She spotted Austin with a knife over Ellen pinned to the ground. Robin swung the barrel of the gun around Austin's neck and hauled back, pulling him off of Ellen.

She got up and ran for help.

Austin broke free of Robin's hold.

"You wanted a piece of this big guy" Robin nodded, "come get it".

Austin lunged at her and she jumped out of the way before kicking him in the stomach. He hunched for a second, before he swept her leg out from under her, got on top of her and started to punch her in the face. He was suddenly yanked off of her by Dean, while Sam grabbed her from the ground pulling her to her feet.

"You okay" Sam asked?

"Dude fought like a bitch" Robin snapped spitting blood. She looked over to see War walking by, "Sammy" she shouted pointing at him.

They took off after him, with Dean trailing behind them.

When they caught up to him, Sam hauled out the Demon killing knife.

"That's a sweet little knife" he laughed, "but come on, you're not gonna kill War".

Dean pinned him to the car, while Robin stretched out his arm and Sam sliced his fingers off, taking his ring.

Suddenly all the screaming and chaos came to a halt and everything went quiet.

Sam and Dean were not on good terms. Dean didn't trust Sam. Truth be told, Sam didn't trust Sam, and thought he should step away from hunting.

Robin got wind of this as Sam drove out of town.

"Shouldn't you be celebrating with Austin" Dean growled at her as she handed him a beer?

"Nah" she shook her head, "Jo has that covered".

"What happened to your bro code" Dean asked?

"Technically, she saw him first" Robin shrugged. "I also didn't say anything. I'm kind of used to being second choice. Comes with the territory when you choose the pretty blonde for your best friend".

"He chose Jo over you" Dean asked?

"You want me to spell it out for you Winchester" she snapped?

Dean scoffed before taking a sip of his beer, "dude's a moron".

"So, um" she started, "I think I'm gonna have Rufus take me home. Kinda chill with dad a while".

"Oh" Dean nodded. "Okay".

"He's gonna be sent home from the hospital soon" she nodded, "I should probably be there".

"Yeah" he nodded, "of course. Let me know if you guys need anything".

"Thanks" she nodded, "you take care".

"Yeah" he nodded and looked away, "you too".

She turned and started to walk away, never looking back. 

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