chapter 2. Another woman

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I was confused. It felt like someone had hit my head hard from behind. This was something that I hadn't even thought of in my dreams. I stared blankly at Philen and the woman in his arms.

As the distance got closer, I could clearly see a woman in Philen's arms. Her platinum hair that shimmered under the rays of the sun was beautiful. Clear skin like white jade indicated that this woman wasn't an ordinary one.

I couldn't see her face well because there was still some distance between us. What broke my gaze away from her face was her protruding belly, in contrast with her skinny limbs. At first, I thought that it was because she was sitting, but considering her figure...

Don't tell me she's...

"The woman in Master's arms, is she pregnant?" The maid next to me worded what I was thinking.

Other maids and servants were also wondering about the same.

"Why has Master brought a pregnant woman home?"

"No way... that woman, could it be the master's child?..."

"All of you be quiet!"

They all shut their mouths at Misa's indignant cry.

"That can't be." Misa said firmly to me, trembling with anxiety. "Master isn't like that. There must be some misunderstanding."

Misunderstanding, really?

Sadly, my intuition, unlike Misa's, convinced me that she was bearing Philen's child. Otherwise, Philen wouldn't hold her in his arms.


I laughed at this thought, and the situation, rubbing my temples with my fingers. If that woman really had Philen's child, what should I do?

'Do I have to grab her hair and use evil means like the other women? Or should I ignore her even if she is a noble lady? No, more than that. Do I have the right to do that? I'm not even Philen's wife. I'm just his fiancée.'

People around me treated me as if I had already become the Duchess of Williot, but my last name was still Thebesa. Leila Thebesa, not Leila Williot.

I wondered if I had the right to say anything about the woman Philen had brought. I was his fiancée, so I could say something to some extent, but I wasn't in a position to blame the woman like a lover. So, I didn't know what to say to Philen. I couldn't figure out what kind of face I should make while greeting him.

While I was shocked, and agonizing about the future, Philen had gotten off the horse and came this way. After six years, he had become a real man. His previously immature face had lost all the baby fat, showing off his sharp jawline.

"Oh, my."

However, the mischievous smile that drew on his lips was still there. He looked at me and the maids and servants standing behind me, grinning mischievously as before.

"You must have lost your tongue while I was away."

The receiver of Philen's gaze was me. He stroked his chin and said in a jovial way.

"Leila, you didn't become dumb in 6 years, right?"

"...As if."

Only then, I came to my senses and replied in a feeble voice.

"It's just a little shocking..."


Was he asking because he really didn't know? Or was he testing me?

Or... maybe that woman didn't have his child?

It might be the latter.

No, I was eagerly hoping for that, but thinking about it didn't explain why Philen brought her here. That's the only reason why he had her in his arms and carried her on his horse.

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