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Kalian's eyebrows drew a straight line. There was a hint of displeasure in his indifferent eyes.

"I've always thought it was strange."

However, Esramel continued without caring.

"I thought there was something there, from when Your Majesty, who had no interest in the throne at all, killed everyone and took the throne, and also when Duke Giltian helped Your Majesty."

Her bright blue eyes stared straight at Kalian.

"I thought about why on earth it was like that, and then I came to the conclusion that there was some kind of deal between Your Majesty and Duke Giltian."


"What kind of deal did you make with Duke Giltian? Perhaps..."


Kalian cut Esramel's words and stood up.

Esramel couldn't sit still when the emperor stood up, so she stood up too.

"If you have nothing else to talk about regarding preparations for New Year's Day, I'll get going."

"You are avoiding answering, huh?"


Kalian warned her by calling out her name directly, not by her Duchess's title.

"The only reason you survived at that time was because you had no interest in the affairs of the Imperial palace, let alone the throne."

Dark blue eyes and bright blue eyes collided in the air.

"If you want to stay alive, stay still like that. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee your life."

With those words, Kalian left the dining room.

"You think I don't know anything, don't you?"

Esramel, who was left alone, muttered as she stared at the spot where Kalian had been.

", Your Majesty. I was able to survive because I knew everything."

That's why I was able to avoid the fury without dying.

Because I knew everything.

I survived because I knew I would die just like them if I was like this.


She wanted to let out everything that was in her heart, but she couldn't do that, so she sighed. Then she came out to let the servants, who came in, clear the table.

Esramel, who had come out of the palace, suddenly stopped and looked somewhere.

"...I think it has something to do with that child too."

Otherwise, neither Duke Giltian nor Kalian would move.

"Should I meet him and ask him?"

Esramel shook her head at the sudden thought.

Not only was it hard to meet him, but she also couldn't ask him what she wanted to ask. Because that child didn't know anything either.

Esramel thought for a while, pursed her lips, then hurried her steps again.

When she had left the palace, someone blocked her way.


It was Duke Cloud.

Why is he here when he should be locked up in his lab at this hour?

"What's the matter?"

"I heard you're having lunch with His Majesty the Emperor."

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