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Philen kept running non-stop. He probably was trying to mess with me.

The only rest was when we slept at the inn. I didn't even sleep well until morning. I woke up before dawn and moved again.

It was a more arduous schedule than when I went to the capital from the Williot estate to take the official test in the past.

It would have been more comfortable if I had ridden a luxury carriage used by nobles, but unfortunately, it was a public carriage that was not suitable for long-distance itineraries.


The impact of the carriage wheel was transmitted all over my body. As a result, my buttocks ache and my legs hurt. Not to mention the back pain. Sitting itself was difficult.

The bed in the inn was soft, but it did not relieve the fatigue that accumulated throughout the forced march. Because after falling asleep, I kept getting up at the hands that shook me wildly.

My whole body ached so much to the point that I was worried I might collapse from body aches like this. But I didn't show any signs of pain during the entire journey to the estate. Because that's exactly what Philen wanted.

It was obvious that Philen did this hoping I would get tired of my own and ask him for help.

In your dreams!

Who would do such a thing to please him? I didn't want to show any weakness to Philen.

Then the third morning after leaving the capital, we arrived at the Williot estate at last. It was a place I missed so much, but I couldn't afford to be drenched in nostalgia because I was exhausted from the arduous journey,

I didn't even have the strength to get off the carriage alone, so I almost leaned on the coachman and got off.

"Are you okay, Baron?"

The knight asked, but I just nodded slightly because I had no energy to answer. Then I saw Philen approaching behind the knight.

...I don't want to show him any weakness.

A strength that was from my pride sprang up. I strengthened my legs and straightened my back, then glared at Philen.

Philen's expression that was looking at me was cold. He looked like he was angry.

When I met his gaze without losing, Philen twisted his mouth and said.

"I've known it since you killed my child, but I didn't know it was this much."

"I don't know what the Duke is talking about."

"You really don't know?"

Actually, I knew. Philen was dissatisfied that I had endured the dreadful march without asking him for help.

"I don't know."

But I pretended not to know.

Philen's eyes looking at me became even colder.

"If you think I'll let you off like I used to, you're wrong, Leila."

He talks like he has done it, huh?

"So from now on, you'd better bend that arrogant pride and learn how to live as a woman, Leila." to live as a woman?

In an instant, my head went blank and I felt like a thin thread of reason being cut.

"As a woman? Does the Duke mean to follow the Duke's words unconditionally without being able to express my opinions like a fool?"

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