Chapter 70

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I folded the parasol and went inside the Naveya shop.

The shop was crowded with people. There were so many people that it was impossible to tell who was the employee and who was the customer.

"Don't touch anything over there!"

Ah, that person must be the employee.

I approached the man who shouted loudly and asked.

"I'm looking for a man named Khun."

I deliberately spoke formally to hide that I was a noble. For that reason, I wore the most modest clothes.

Thanks to it, the man pointed inward without any doubt.

"If it's Khun, he's over there."

"Thank you."

I went inside as the man instructed.

There's a man looking at the items in the box.

As I approached, the man looked back at me.

The man looked at me up and down, straightened his bent back, and bowed his head to greet me.

"What brings you here, noble lady?"

"How did you know I was a noble?"

"There's no commoner who would carry such a luxury parasol."

Ah, now that I thought about it, I was holding the parasol.

Still, the man outside didn't notice that I was a noble.

Because I was caught that I was a noble, there's no reason to continue to speak formally.

"You're sharp."

"Thank you."

To my praise, Khun slightly bowed his head and asked.

"So, what have you come to see me for?"

"Before that, I want to ask your name."

"My name is Khun."

I came to the right place.

I nodded and glanced at the objects Khun was looking at.

Most of the items in the sack were grains such as barley and wheat.

"Are these all exported to Natsha Kingdom?"

"That's right. As the Young Lady may already know, Natsha Kingdom is where our top business mainly deals."

Of course, it was a known fact. That's why I came here.

"Isn't a lot of grain going out to Natsha Kingdom these days?"

"Don't even mention it. I was worried because of the bountiful harvest throughout the continent that the grains were overflowing, but thanks to the bulk purchases from Natsha Kingdom, there's little loss."


As expected, is that so?

I looked at the barley in the sack and then looked at Khun.

"As I said before, I have a few questions for you."

Khun replied with a slightly nervous expression.

"If I can give you the answer, I will."

"I'm not trying to ask you anything weird, so don't be nervous. Because the questions are easy. You just have to answer what you know."

I smiled as kindly as possible and asked him the questions I had prepared in advance.

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