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I knew that Cecily was completely mistaken, so I understood her being very angry with me, but to slap me like this? It didn't even turn out to be true that I ordered Misa!

It's not right. I clenched my fists and glared at Cecily.

Behind Cecily, servants were looking this way nervously.

"What are you doing now?"

"Why? Compared to what you did to me, isn't this nothing?"

Are you talking informally now?

As a princess, she should have received a high level of etiquette education, but what she was doing now was a mess. That's how much anger she had toward me.

"I understand your anger, but... I didn't kill your child."

"Ha! There's clear evidence and you say it's a misunderstanding? It's not true? Do you think I'll believe that?"

Are you going to come out like that till the end?

Even if I understood her feelings, it couldn't be good to keep listening to her informal speech.

As I was about to say a word, I calmed myself down again, reminding myself that she had lost her child.

Let's not talk anymore.

Keeping talking only hurt each other's feelings more. There was nothing to gain.

"Let's talk about it later."

I was not feeling well, so I tried to avoid it, but Cecily didn't let me go.

"Where are you going?!"

Cecily roughly pulled me and raised her hand again.

Is she trying to slap me again? Not a chance.


I grabbed her hand as it came down quickly.

Cecily's eyes widened and then narrowed again.

"You dare block my hand?"

"Dare? Do you think you deserve to do that to me? You, a commoner, to me, a noble?"

A spark flashed in Cecily's eyes.

"You had killed my child and you said that?"

"Do you have proof that I did it?"

I was going to do it moderately, but if she kept coming out like that, I also didn't want to keep suffering.

"I said if you have any proof that I killed your child."

"Ha, are you pretending not to know? You even had the abortion drug!"

"But I wasn't the one who gave it to you. I don't think Misa did it either, but even if she did, there's no evidence that implies it has anything to do with me, right?"

Cecily, who was staring at me as if she was going to eat me right away, suddenly began to burst into tears.

Why is she like that all of a sudden?

"Let go of her hand right now, Leila."

I was wondering, but when I saw Philen appear, I understood right away.

She's trying to screw me up.


Cecily called out to Philen pitifully, with tears dripping down like chicken droppings.

"I told you to let go of her hand."

Philen said in a threatening voice.

As soon as I let go of her hand, Cecily ran over to Philen, with tears in her eyes, and fell into his arms.

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