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"Of course, so that something like this does not happen again..."

"What are you going to do to prevent that?"

Kalian cut Leila's words and asked again as if arguing.

Leila stuttered.

"Always be careful of my manners..."

"Does that mean you weren't careful of your manners in front of Aldor Hutton?"


"Then did you give Aldor Hutton any room?"

It wasn't that either. Leila didn't give Aldor Hutton any room, rather, she pushed him away by putting up walls as much as she could.

It's just that it didn't work properly, and so, that accident happened.

"What else can you do other than that?"

Right. What else can I do other than that?

Leila, who was losing words, shut her mouth.

Kalian continued.

"It's good that you don't overestimate yourself, lower yourself, and be humble all the time, but Leila, you tend to humble yourself too much."

Kalian stood crookedly with his arms folded, looking at Leila. His blue eyes were full of displeasure.

"To be honest, your behavior like that is frustrating. It's cumbersome and annoying."


"And if there's something you want to say, you can just say it confidently, what are you so afraid of?"

Once his mouth opened, it poured out a series of complaints he had for Leila.

"On top of that, you tend to try to solve everything on your own too much. It would have been easier if you had asked me for help with Duke Williot's matter, but you were risking yourself instead."

There was nothing more to say about this matter as Leila did a great job in solving that, but complaints were still complaints.

"I wonder if you don't trust me."

"N, no!"

Her lips, which had been tightly closed like a seashell, opened up at the pouring complaints.

"I trust you, Your Majesty!"

"If you say you trust me only in words, who will believe you? You have to show it in action."

Her open lips closed again.

"It's good to try to solve things on your own without relying on others. But if it's something beyond your ability, you need to know how to rely on others. There are so many people around to help you."

Her long eyelashes trembled, and then fell down. Her exposed earlobe was slightly red.

"I want you to know that doing that makes people around you more worried."

Leila lowered her head. Her shoulders drooped down.

Am I too much?

Only then did Kalian realize that he was too much and checked Leila's condition.

He didn't know what kind of expression she was making as she lowered her head, but she didn't look good.

Of course, she would. She heard him nagging after all.

He didn't mean to say this in the first place, but when she spoke as if she was the one who did wrong even when she was the victim, he got emotional, and the words just poured out.

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