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Philen's interest and actions were also for Cecily, but what made me saddest was my position to care about her even in this situation.

Did Countess Thebesa feel this way when she took care of my mother, who was pregnant with me?

Probably so.

That's why she hated me so much, criticized me, and spoke harsh words.

I understood Countess Thebesa's situation. It didn't mean I didn't hate her. I still trembled at the thought of Countess Thebesa.

I smiled bitterly and looked at Philen's top, which matched mine.

As a designer who had been in charge of the Duke of Williot's clothes for generations, the clothes were perfect. Not a single stitch was disheveled.

The point, the handkerchief, was also being checked together, and Sarah, who was looking at the accessories, spoke carefully.

"Um, doesn't My Lady embroider a handkerchief?"


"Yes. I heard that this banquet is Master's first social debut. When men make their first social debut, it is customary to bring a handkerchief embroidered by their family member or fiancée."

Right. Come to think of it, there was such a custom. It's been a long time since I did embroidery, so I forgot how to do it.

"Did you forget how to do it?"

"Mmm. I've had nothing to embroider."

"Well, the Duke was still at war, and My Lady was busy. You probably didn't have time to embroider as a hobby."

"Even if I had time, I wouldn't have been able to do it."


"...come to think of it, Sarah, you never see me embroidered."

The last time I embroidered was right before Philen went to war.

After Philen went to war, Sarah, who entered the mansion, couldn't have seen it.

Originally, I wasn't going to make it even then. But, because of the superstition that if a loved one enters the war with an embroidered handkerchief, he will return safely. So I was forced to make it.

At that time, Philen said something when he saw the handkerchief I had embroidered. He laughed a lot, asking if this was our family's crest.

When I told him not to carry it with him, he quickly put it in his inner chest pocket and kissed the back of my hand saying that he would definitely return safely. It was a faint memory.

At other times, I would have laughed happily as I recalled the past, but now I couldn't. Just thinking about it made my mouth feel as if I had chewed a very bitter herb.

I looked down at the colorful handkerchief. No matter how much I hated it, Philen was my fiancé and I was his fiancée. I couldn't let Philen be flawed by other people on his first social debut. Even more, because it's a disgrace to my face.

"Sarah, get ready to embroider."

Only three days left until the emperor's coronation banquet. On the day and the day before, I was going to get busy with other things, so I actually only had one day left.

I had to finish the embroidery in time, so I put aside the other works and focused on embroidery.


Blood was formed on the finger pierced by the needle.

Sarah, who was sitting across from me, hurriedly brought a tissue and wiped the blood off my finger.

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