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What did I just hear?

He wants me to come back to the Williot estate?

"I will refuse."

Without a doubt, it was a no.

Baron Wizard then looked at me with a very surprised look as if he had not expected it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

When I asked bluntly, Baron Wizard smiled awkwardly and fiddled with his hands.

"I thought you would think about it a little bit... but you refused like a knife."

"Do I have a need to think about it?"

I picked up the teacup and answered indifferently.

"I had decided long ago that I would never return to the Duke of Williot."

At my answer, Baron Wizard bit his lip. Troubled feelings flashed vividly on his face.

What's the problem?

Is there no one to take care of the Williot estate for Philen? Or is he troubled because he couldn't fulfill Philen's orders?

Baron Wizard said he didn't come under order from Philen, so it wouldn't be the latter. But he could have lied to reassure me, so I couldn't put my mind at ease.

"Will you reconsider that decision?"


"The situation in the Williot estate is very bad. The people are hoping for My Lady's return."

Is he trying to evoke sympathy?

It was a good strategy, but my determination was stronger than that.

"I'm sorry, Baron Wizard."

"If you are concerned about the Duke, I will do my best to prevent him from using such abusive language to My Lady again."

Although I had politely refused, Baron Wizard was still persistent. It meant that the situation in the estate was not that good.

It certainly bothered me, but that's all. My determination to never return to the Duke of Williot had not changed.

"The Duke is also reflecting a lot on what he did to My Lady. So, for the sake of everyone..."

"If I were Baron Wizard's family, would you still say that?"

I cut off Baron Wizard's words and asked sternly.

"If I were Baron Wizard's daughter, after being subjected to all kinds of insults and humiliation by the Duke, I finally left the mansion."

Baron Wizard's eyes shook greatly.

"Can you still tell me to return to the Duke of Williot?"

Baron Wizard pondered, then closed his eyes and bowed his head.

"I have said something improper. I know what My Lady has been through, yet I'm talking about something like this. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay."

I put down the teacup and held out my hand.

"Since I have listened to what the Baron wanted to say, please give me Misa's keepsake as promised."

I was worried about what would happen if he asked for more talk, but fortunately, that didn't happen.

I received the keepsake box from Baron Wizard and swept it.

Finally, I got Misa's keepsake.

Even though it was a mere keepsake, not her remains, my heart was full, and my eyes were warmed.

I won't pick up the trash i threw away againWhere stories live. Discover now