Chapter- 159

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The big hall was crowded with people dressed in splendid outfits.

On one side were tasty finger foods. While on the other side was a small rest area for the tired.

In the center of the hall, an orchestra played a beautiful piece of music, and around them were people dancing in pairs.

"The chandelier is too bright."

Baron Delrond looked around the ballroom with a slight frown.

"And there are fewer finger food options than I thought. Also, why does the champagne contain alcohol? What if someone gets drunk?"

Baron Delrond, who complained in dissatisfaction, sighed softly and inclined his head towards me.

"I'm sorry, Baron Aster. My occupational disease came out without me knowing."

"It's okay. I was thinking the same thing."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Perhaps because we did the same job, I had a lot to talk about with Baron Delrond. He was also so pleasant that I enjoyed talking to him.

We were chatting and laughing when I felt a stinging gaze on my back. Turning around, I saw Philen staring this way intently.

I turned my head away as soon as I met Philen's eyes. It's not because I was scared or afraid of Philen, but because I didn't want to get involved with him, even the slightest.

So I wanted to ignore Philen by treating him like he didn't exist, but he looked at me too intently for that. Was that all? The people around me started whispering about me and Philen.

"You see? Duke Williot has been looking only at Baron Aster for a while now."

"It's because she is his former fiancée. And from what I understand, the Duke still has feelings for Baron Aster."

"Oh, really? Duke Williot is more of a pure lover than he seems to be, isn't he?"

Philen? Pure lover?

I don't think the meaning of a pure lover has changed without my knowledge though.

I was stunned to hear them say such a thing when they knew what Philen had done. In addition, it felt terrible to continue to get involved with Philen. His gaze on my back was also unpleasant.

It would have been better to leave the hall, but I couldn't because Kalian hadn't come yet. And if I left because of Philen, it hurt my pride.

So, let's hang in there. No matter how much they gossipped, and no matter how much Philen stared at me, let's ignore them and hang in there.

I made up my mind, but it wasn't easy.

I could hear them with one ear and let it go through the other, but the problem was Philen's tenacious gaze. I just wanted that gaze to be solved.

Should I go to him and tell him to stop looking at me?

I didn't want to talk to Philen as much as possible, but I guessed I had to do it if I didn't have a choice, but then Baron Delrond moved from his position.


The place where Baron Delrond was standing now was a place that cleverly blocked Philen's gaze.

Does he notice that I'm uncomfortable...?

Looking at Baron Delrond, he smiled lightly.

"I'm just trying to prevent a mite from sticking to you."

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