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"The white chrysanthemum flowers in front of Misa's memorial tablet. Did you pick them up by hand and bring them?"

As soon as I met Kalian, I asked him right away. Then Kalian looked at me, a little perplexed.

"How do you... No, more than that, you see that..."

As I nodded, Kalian frowned.

"I told you to get a good night's sleep, but you didn't, and you must have gone to the orphanage early in the morning, huh?"

"Your Majesty didn't sleep either."

"I normally don't sleep."

"I don't either."

I was only telling the truth, but Kalian clicked his tongue as if he didn't like it.

"You're starting to be more and more like Ver in talking back. What a bad influence."

"Then should I not?"

"That, too, resembles Ver."

He really doesn't like it, huh?

Kalian muttered to himself, then inked the quill.

"You looked sad because there were no chrysanthemum flowers, so I just brought it. It's also a way of honoring the person who has taken care of you."

"But that doesn't mean you have to pick the flowers by hand and bring them to..."

"At times like this, you can just say thank you."

Kalian flatly dismissed it.

I smiled and bowed my head.

"Thank you."

"You're a good listener."

Kalian signed a document and handed it to me.

"Bring this to the Justice Department, and what's my afternoon schedule?"

After receiving the document, I told him his afternoon schedule.

"...that's all."

"I'm free for about an hour after lunch, huh?"


"Let's practice horseback riding then."

"I under... yes?"

There's no way Kalian, who already knew how to ride a horse perfectly, was practicing horseback riding. Then, it's clearly about me.

I shook my hand in panic.

"I'm fine."

"You said you wanted to ride a horse on New Year's Day, right? There's less than a month until New Year's Day, so you have to practice diligently."

That's true, but it bothered me to take away Kalian's time. That hour was also to give him a chance to catch his breath. Besides, since there was an accident before, I felt even more uncomfortable learning horseback riding from him.

"I cannot take Your Majesty's precious time away."

I couldn't tell him the latter, so I just said the former.

"I'm doing this to warm up too, so you don't have to think you're taking my time away."

Kalian smiled and stood up from his seat.

"That's why let's practice horseback riding then. I also want to see you parade around on horseback on New Year's Day."

How can I say no to that?

"I understand."

I reluctantly accepted it.


"I can't believe she never contacted me ever since she broke up the engagement recklessly."

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