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There were bulging tendons around his neck as he kept screaming. His flushed face showed how furious he was.

Because of this, no one thought it would be easy to stop Philen.

It was the same for me too.

Only after throwing more than half of what was on the table did Philen calm down.

"Ce, cily."

In return, he clenched his jaw and glared at Cecily. Cecily unknowingly took a step back and fell to the floor because of his flesh-piercing murderous look.

Philen's eyes looking at Cecily were terrifying. If he could kill people with his eyes, he would have killed Cecily over and over again.

"How dare you fool me."

"Ah, ah, NO!"

She's still lying even though the situation already turned out like this? Cecily wasn't normal either.

"I, I didn't fool you! I really did have your child!"

Cecily said pitifully, with tears in her eyes.

"Phil, think about that night. You held me...! I've been treating you kindly, how can you be deceived by that woman's lies and doubt me? Why...!"

The truth had been revealed up to this point, and she was going to stick with it until the end?

Very ugly. It couldn't even be covered by her beautiful appearance.

As she's the woman Philen loved, I thought he might be shaken by that absurd remark, but I was wrong.

"Shut that mouth!"

Philen wasn't shaken at all. Rather, he got angrier and threw what he could get at Cecily.



The glass, which barely hit Cecily, hit the wall and shattered.

Perhaps shocked by the fact that Philen threw something at her, Cecily was speechless and only could open and close her mouth.

"I'm loving you? What words that aren't even funny!"

Philen poured out abusive words toward Cecily.

"I cared for you purely because you had my child!"

Cecily's eyes shook violently as if she couldn't believe what Philen was saying.

In the meantime, Philen's verbal abuse continued.

"Know your circumstances, Cecily! Did you think I, the Duke of the Great Empire, would be serious to a princess of a fallen kingdom? You don't know your own circumstances."

"Phi, Phil..."

"I never promised you anything other than the child's future."

Maybe that statement was sincere because after bringing Cecily in, he still continued to marry me.

Philen, who was looking at Cecily in despair with his cold eyes, shouted.

"Take them to the dungeon right now! Those who dare to fool me, the Duke, will be severely punished!"

The servants, who were in a confused state, came to Cecily, Mavel, and Ellie to carry out Philen's orders.

Mavel and Ellie were taken away obediently, but not Cecily.

"LET ME GO! How dare you guys touch me? LET ME GO RIGHT NOW?!"

She was struggling uglily as if she still wouldn't give up.

I won't pick up the trash i threw away againWhere stories live. Discover now