Chapter- 162

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The sunlight pouring down on the surface of the large lake surrounded by dense trees on all sides was dazzling.

This was the lake where the Blue Dragon, guardian of the Empire, slept.

Well, no one knows if it really sleeps. Because no one has seen it in person.

If I ever get a chance, should I dive in and check it out?

While thinking something not even funny, Kalian looked at the calm lake.

Since this was a Holy Land, only the Imperial family blessed by the Blue Dragon could enter, so Kalian was alone there.

Outside, the others were eagerly preparing to perform the ritual for the Blue Dragon while waiting for Kalian to draw water from the lake. The foreign envoys would be watching it, too.

"It's a really useless event."

The offerings to the Blue Dragon were held twice a year, on New Year's Day and Thanksgiving Day.

On New Year's Day, it was to ask for a good year.

On Thanksgiving Day, the ritual was held to express gratitude for a good harvest.

Other than that, he also prayed for something he earnestly wished for.

"Though if I wish you, you won't fulfill anything."

The thick leaves swayed in the cold winter wind.

"If you had fulfilled what I wished, none of this would have happened."

Kalian mocked in a small voice, sitting on one knee and dipping the bottle into the lake.

"And I wouldn't have done that either."

Then, a small wave occurred around the bottle. It was as if the sleeping Blue Dragon was responding to Kalian's words.

"If you really exist, and if you're listening to us."

When the bottle was full, Kalian stood up.

"Please protect that child."

Kalian turned around with his back to the calming lake and continued.

"Unlike me, that child was thick with your blood in his veins."


It wasn't until the age of 18, after the coming-of-age ceremony, that a noble or members of the Imperial family could appear in official events such as parties or noble meetings.

Of course, there were exceptions to cases like where they lost their parents in an unfortunate accident and received their titles early, like Philen.

At that time, even if they were not adults, they could go out to public events. Though Philen didn't go out, he was also one of the exceptions.

In any case, Prince Hess was 14 years old this year and had not yet had his coming-of-age ceremony, so he had never appeared in public. As such, it was my first time seeing Prince Hess, even though I had been working as Kalian's aide for quite some time.

Like Duchess Cloud, Prince Hess had dazzlingly bright blue hair.

"I'll throw it!"

His blue eyes, almost as bright as his hair color, matched well with his bright appearance.

He doesn't look much like Kalian. Is it because they're half-brothers?

"Ack, you can't miss it!"

I thought so but corrected myself when I saw his smiling face.

Hess and Kalian were definitely brothers by blood.

I won't pick up the trash i threw away againحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن