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Exactly one week after Adrina took over as Director, the long-awaited childcare building was completed.

There was no signboard as the opening ceremony had not yet been held, but since the building was completed, the children, who were staying in the temporarily designated building, were moved to this place.

A few more days passed, and the day of the opening ceremony arrived. As it was a special day, I wore my uniform.

Ness, who saw me in uniform for the first time, clasped her hands tightly and said fussily.

"Baron, you look so good!"


"Yes! I would have fallen for the Baron if you were a man!"

I think I also heard that from Sarah.

Sometimes, Sarah and Ness were like real sisters. Well, that's how close the two were.

I put on my coat over my uniform and looked in the mirror. After finishing up, I left the room.

Ness followed me with my luggage. Sarah came out, too.

As I left the mansion, the cold wind blew over my thick coat.

It's really winter now.

I fixed my overcoat coat and took my luggage from Ness.

"Then, I'll get going. I'm going to be a little late because there's a banquet tonight."

"Yes, I understand! We'll watch the house well, so don't worry, My Lady!"

"I told you! It's 'Baron', not 'My Lady'!"

"Oops, my mistake."

Ness covered her mouth in panic, and Sarah shook her head, looking at her.

"What on earth are you..."

Soon an earful of nagging poured out.

If those two were real sisters, Sarah would be the older sister and Ness the younger one. Well, their age was right, too.

I got into the carriage with a funny thought. Soon the carriage gently took off down the street of the mansion.

All the way to the Imperial palace, I checked the document regarding today's opening ceremony.

As the building was completed, the name of the childcare institution was also decided, but the name column was still empty. It was because Kalian didn't tell me what it was.

When I asked him to tell me, with a mischievous smile, he said, "Wouldn't it be interesting to know this on that day?"

As a result, the ridiculous situation of attending the opening ceremony without knowing the name of the childcare institution occurred.

Well, I already have a guess of the name though.

While thinking about this and that, the carriage arrived in front of the palace.

Before, I had to show my pass every time I went in and out of the palace, but now I could enter just by showing my face.

"Good morning, Baron Aster."

"Yes, good morning."

After a brief greeting with the guards, I entered the Imperial palace.

Passing through the outer palace that was busy preparing for the opening ceremony, I was on my way to the inner palace when I saw a familiar face in the distance. It was Duke Giltian.

I knew much about Duke Giltian in many ways.

I didn't look into him privately. I knew because I was in charge of the Duke of Williot's work in the past. I also knew that Duke Giltian was the one who opposed the most when Kalian tried to give me the baron title.

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