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After lunch, I went to Marquis Valdir and talked about the changed matters.

Sir Hiltine was also there with me.

Marquis Valdir kept glancing at Sir Hiltine as he listened to me.

" that. May I do that?"

"As you please."

"Thank you. Then, I'll see you in a little bit."

To tell this to the other nobles, I had to move busily, but as I was about to leave, the Marquis called me.

"Lady Thebesa."

When I looked at him again, Marquis Valdir asked me with a subtle expression.

"Why do you think His Majesty appointed that man as your escort?"

"It must be because His Majesty was concerned about my safety."

"If that's the case, he could have put him on officially, but why did he put him on secretly? And it's not a regular knight, but a knight leader?"

Now that I thought about it, it was a bit of a question for me too.

"Does the Marquis know the reason?"

"Why are you asking me that? The Lady must know better."

I asked because I don't know.

As I stared at him quietly, Marquis Valdir grinned and passed me by.

"Maybe soon the day will come when I will have to bow politely in front of the Lady."


Finally, the time for us to leave came.

On the absent Marquis Hutton's behalf, the mansion's butlers and aides saw us off. And Aldor still didn't show his nose.

In the carriage, there were me and Sir Hiltine.

Although it was not right for men and women to ride in the same carriage, there had always been exceptions, and the escort knights were among the exceptions.

As I gazed at the ever-changing scenery, I recalled what Marquis Valdir said.

At first, I didn't understand what he meant by that, but now I understand.

He meant that I might become an empress (concubine).

Other than that, there was no reason for anyone like the Marquis to bow politely in front of me.

Marquis Valdir still thinks I'm His Majesty's mistress, huh?

It was an absurd misunderstanding, but the reason I couldn't blame the Marquis was because I also thought it was strange.

It was an exaggeration to say that it was purely because he was worried about me.

"Sir Hiltine, did His Majesty say anything else when he ordered you to escort me?"

If he had, I could have known what he was thinking, but unfortunately, Sir Hiltine shook his head.

"...I see."

My doubts deepened and I was confused.

Don't tell me, is he really interested in me as is known for a while to the public...

What am I thinking right now!

I can't believe I have such absurd thoughts.

Even if I was crazy, I wasn't usually this crazy. I shook my head, erasing the delusions that came to my mind.

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