Chapter- 155

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"I surveyed 10 black markets throughout the Empire and found that three were selling Molenche fruit."

Kalian asked Hiltine.

"That means the Molenche fruit hasn't been fully released yet, huh?"

"Yes. It was probably because the Imperial family had already uprooted it once. And also, it's not easy to grow due to the cold weather."

Well... The amount was little when I saw the Molenche fruit on the black market before. It seems like it came out to see people's reactions rather than to sell.

"It doesn't look like their forces have expanded yet, so I think we should be able to uproot it now."

"Conversely, it may be difficult to find because the force is too small."

If he touched it hastily, the force leader might hide in the shadows, making it difficult to solve.

And there was one more problem. The envoys from other countries would gather in the Empire one after another to attend New Year's Day.

There was nothing good about bringing the Molenche Fruit's matter to the surface in this situation. Because it would draw unnecessary attention. It was all the more so because it was nothing else but related to the Molenche fruit.

The Molenche fruit was a strictly prohibited drug, not only in the Empire but also in the entire continent. If he succeeded, it was fine, but if he failed, he would surely become a laughingstock of the continent.

That's why he was planning to catch them if the force was too large, but after hearing the report, it seemed there was no need for that yet.

"For now, keep an eye on the three black markets where the Molenche fruit was found. See if anyone bought it."


"If you're sure you can catch them, you can do it, but if you don't, just wait and see first. At least until New Year's Day is over and the envoys return."

"I understand."

Hiltine left, and Leila filled the spot.


Kalian smiled brightly at Leila, but her expression was serious.

Is something happening?

Kalian, who became serious at the same time, asked hastily.

"What's going on?"

"We have received a reply to the invitation from the Holy Kingdom."

A month ago, he sent invitations to other countries, including the Holy Kingdom, to invite them to the New Year's Day held in the Empire.

As soon as other countries received the invitations, they immediately sent replies whether they would attend or not, but not the Holy Kingdom. There had been no answer, as New Year's Day was two weeks away.

He didn't care though.

The Holy Kingdom attending New Year's Day in the Empire was one of the few in the Empire's long history. So, of course, he ignored it, thinking they would be absent again this time, but the reply came.

Are they going to be polite now?

It was funny. Kalian laughed openly and asked Leila.

"They must be saying they won't attend, right?"


Leila put the Holy Kingdom's reply on Kalian's desk.

"They said they will attend."

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