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The dirty secret of the great temple was revealed to the world thanks to Leila's active role.

Kalian ordered all temples around the capital to be searched, saying he would take this opportunity to properly remove the rotten teeth.

The sudden search turned the temples upside down.

The temples tried to hide their blemishes by any means possible, but it was useless. The search team sent by Kalian found all their dirty secrets like a ghost, and in just one day, ten temples were cleaned out.

There were more temples that committed crimes than temples that didn't. And in the temple, more than 10 crimes were committed, including child abuse, embezzlement, and fraud.

Kalian was furious and cut off all donations. Also, he arrested all those involved, regardless of the weight of the crime. The black and dirty space was then filled with people dressed in white and clean clothes.

Reporters scrambled to write articles about the incident.

[The true faces of the priests wearing angel's masks.]

[Are they servants of God or servants of the devil?]

They were all provocative headlines.

Reporters released articles by adding details to what they saw and heard.

Newspapers sold out like hotcakes, hitting all-time highs. The whole Empire was shaken as if it had been engulfed in fire.

"I knew it! Such bad b*st*rds!"

"I can't believe they're doing this to the children just because they have nothing to do. What the heck, tch."

"You will be punished. Heaven will never let you go!"

People all pointed their fingers at the temple and cursed. The high authority of the temple fell to the ground overnight.

The next day, the Holy See expressed their regret for the situation through the Pope's representative. They also said this had nothing to do with the Holy See, and the priests involved may be dealt with according to the Imperial laws. Then they added that they would no longer oppose the establishment of the orphanage.

"Are they trying to cut off their tail?"

When Kalian heard it, he laughed out loud.

Leila and Ver agreed with Kalian. It's because the Holy See periodically received reports from the temple and sent inspections. There's no way they were unaware of these enormous facts.

They could find something if they sequentially looked into it until the end, whether they really didn't know about it, but Kalian decided not to do that.

"Right now, our priority is to save the children rather than to wrestle with the Holy See. Let's only focus on that."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Leila and Ver moved quickly, following Kalian's wish.

The number of children rescued from the temple reached three places.

Since the childcare building was still incomplete, a temporary childcare building was designated, and all children were moved there.

Kalian ordered the orphanage to be completed within a week. As a result, the sound of hammering and sawing resounded throughout the streets day and night.

"We need someone to take care of the children."

After solving the problem of establishing the orphanage, another problem emerged. They had not yet hired someone to take care of the children.

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