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Philen put aside his thoughts about Leila for now and thought about what to do with the rest of the preparations.

"Bring Baroness Wizard here. I need her help."


The butler, who was worried inwardly that he might be asking for Cecily's help, calmly accepted it.

"How are the wedding preparations going?"

"Countess Thebesa continues to take care of that. But..."

The butler studied Philen's face and asked carefully.

"Young Lady Leila isn't here, I don't know if we can continue preparing for the wedding..."

"That's not your concern."

And there's no need to worry. Because Leila will be back.

Philen beckoned him to leave.

The butler, who politely bowed to him, came out and was startled to find Cecily standing leaning against the wall.

"Yo, Young Lady?"

"What are you so surprised about?"

Cecily smiled and tilted her head.

Her bright blonde hair swayed gently.

"It's like seeing a ghost."

"Since when did you here..."

"Why do I have to tell you that?"

When Cecily spoke informally without hesitation, the attendants standing around looked at her in annoyance.

Leila, a count's daughter and officially Philen's fiancée, used to speak politely and respectfully to the butler.

It was a treatment for the elder who had served the Duke of Williot since the predecessor.

However, speaking informally when she's just a mistress? They didn't like it.

The old butler didn't say anything. He bowed his head and asked.

"Should I report your arrival to the Duke?"


Cecily raised her leaning body, supported by her exclusive maid.

"You don't have to."

Cecily turned back and glanced at the room where Philen was.

Her gaze was quite sharp. Her expression was venomous.

It was as if she had heard something she didn't want to hear.

"All banquets should be abolished."

Baron Delrond, who had returned after half-day, sat down on the chair and murmured as if he were dying.

"I don't know why people keep throwing money for something meaningless."

Hearing his harsh words, he must be very tired.

Well, he couldn't go home for two days and he had been working all night, so of course, he's tired.

As evidence of that, the dark circles under Baron Delrond's eyes had grown even thicker.

Feeling sorry for Baron Delrond, I picked up some of the documents he had brought.

"I'll take care of this, so get some rest, Baron."

"But there must be a lot of work for you to do."

"It's okay. I'm almost done."

It wasn't empty words, it was true.

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