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The next day, Priest Adrina was released immediately and formally awarded the post of director of the orphanage by Kalian.

Now that the director had been decided, it was time to select people to take care of the children. When I asked how they should be chosen, Priest Adrina carefully suggested her opinion.

"I know of priests who, like me, feel sorry for the children being abused and have tried to help in any way possible. If you ask them, they should be happy to help."

"That's a good idea."

If it was the priests, they would have clear identities. They would also be good at taking care of children.

I took Priest Adrina's opinion and gathered the priests together. Some were locked up in the dungeon, and some had left the temple because they were tired of the ugly side of the temple.

It was difficult to gather those who had already left, but it was easy to gather those who were imprisoned in the dungeons.

They were different in age and appearance, but their answer to my proposal was the same.

"Thank you for the opportunity to atone."

It really was a relief that those we caught weren't just someone worse than beasts. I hoped they would take on their work responsibly as much as the weight of the crimes that weighed heavily on their hearts.


Priest Adrina looked down at the priest uniform she had been wearing since she was very young that she couldn't even remember herself.

Among the many colors, the reason why the priest's uniform was white was because it was a symbol of integrity. That's why the priests hated getting stains on their uniforms and always kept them clean.

It was the same with Priest Adrina. She tried to keep her priest uniform clean even though she had to do dirty work as punishment after daring to go against the senior priests. Although it wasn't easy, it wasn't impossible either.

"It was all in vain."

What's the point of keeping the uniform clean? The person who wears it is dirty anyway.

A faint smile was drawn on Priest Adrina's lips.

Priest Adrina then put the uniforms she wore all the time into a box, except the one she used for sleeping. And instead of the priest's uniform, she wore a gray dress that didn't show even if it was stained.

Her dress was dark, but Priest Adrina's face was brighter than ever. Her eyes glistened.

It was when Priest Adrina tied her apron.

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"Come in."

As soon as she gave her permission, the door opened, and a woman, also wearing a gray dress, came in.

Priest Adrina shook her hand as the woman tried to greet her politely.

"You don't have to greet me like that."

"But, Priest..."

"The title of Priest is no longer appropriate."

Because that title has been put down from the moment I took off my uniform.

The woman thought for a moment and then smiled softly.

"Then, I will call you Director."

"It's embarrassing if you call me by that title too. Just call me Adrina, Rosé."

"I don't dare to call the director only by her name."


"That way, the system will be in order, and the director will be able to control others, so please allow me to call you this way."

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