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The same drug was tested, and the result from the doctor named Mavel and the result from the Abeldan Pharmacy were different. That meant one of them was lying, and there was no way the Abeldan Pharmacy would lie.

So the doctor lied.

But why did he tell such a lie? What's the benefit?

Questions were lined up one after another.

I made several hypotheses. The most probable hypothesis was that Mavel killed Cecily's child and blamed it on me and Misa.

But to think so, there's no way he could have held a grudge against me. Because I only saw him a few times, and even never had a conversation with him.

It's more credible if Cecily was the one who brought him in though...

No. It can't be.

Would Cecily be that crazy to set me and Misa up with her child as collateral?

It was more profitable to have the child safely than to do so. Even if it was an illegitimate child, if it was a boy, he could become the heir to the duke family.

Still, even though I thought it couldn't be, I couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling. I felt like I was missing something very important.

What could it be?

"I already said it wasn't stolen!"

"Do not lie to me. If it wasn't stolen, there's no reason for you to have it!"

On my way back to the mansion, I saw Sir Rohen arguing with a woman.

What is he doing over there?

"The duke family's maid has exchanged it for something in my store!"

"What did she exchange with this expensive jewel?"

"Women's products! She exchanged it for women's products that were used when the monthly period arrived!"

"Is that expensive enough to exchange with this jewel? You're telling lies that aren't even funny."

"This is like an ordinary women's product, but women's products used by high-ranking people are expensive! Since she bought 4 months' worth, it is worth the price of this one jewel!"

The woman shouted with her veins popping up, but Sir Rohen didn't even listen at all.

"Seriously, what an inflexible man!"

At this, the woman became frustrated and pounded her chest.

There must be some serious misunderstanding.

Curious, I approached them.

"What's going on, Sir Rohen?"

"Who... My Lady!"

Sir Rohen greeted me with a salute, while the woman was startled and bowed her head.

"I see My Lady. Have you been okay all this time?!"

"Yes. Sir Rohen, too, have you been okay?"

"Of course!"

"But, what is happening? It's noisy."

"Oh, it's nothing... it's just because of this."

What Sir Rohen showed me was a jewel the size of a fingernail.

"This woman had it, but it seems to be a stolen item, so I'm here to check it out."

Stolen item? When I looked at the woman in surprise, she shook her hands.

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