Chapter 15

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After Qin Huai carried the things through the door, he sterilized them all first, and then asked Mu Nan to go forward to classify the items. Some damaged vegetables and fruits had to be picked out and eaten first, and the rest were stored in the space. There are also some meats that I bought, all of which are frozen products. I have to wait for the ice to melt before storing them in the space. When I need to cook them in the future, I can take them out and cook them directly, without waiting for time-consuming thawing.

Now they can only buy frozen meat. If they live in the countryside, they may still be able to buy fresh meat. After all, some families raise their own pigs, but in cities, even live poultry are under control. How can there be such a thing now? The conditions are to transport fresh meat, and it is good to buy frozen meat.

Mu Nan sorted the meat into categories, pork belly, tenderloin, and pork ribs. I also took out some meat from the group purchase two days ago. I plan to make braised pork ribs, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, and stir-fried pork belly after the ones I bought today are defrosted. Now, while there is still time, I can cook some heavy-tasting dishes as much as I can. In the future, it will be difficult for every household, so they can only make less delicious food, otherwise people will not even have to eat, and your food with big fish and meat is delicious, and it is too hated.

When Mu Nan was classifying, Qin Huai cleaned the door. Because there were a lot of disinfection items prepared in advance, he even sprayed the entire corridor. After all, it was the place where he lived, so there was no need to save it. As soon as he put down the disinfection tool, Mu Nan ran over with his mobile phone and looked at him with bright eyes: "Brother, are you a shrimp ball?"

Qin Huai glanced at the screen of his mobile phone, there was a group buying solitaire in the WeChat group, this time it was a shrimp dumpling, live shrimp, but it was a little expensive, nearly two hundred yuan a catty. However, the price is acceptable. It is too difficult to buy this kind of live meat. If it weren't for the poisonous mycelium that seems to have no signs of surviving on animals and cannot withstand high temperatures above 80 degrees, people still have I am afraid that today's prices will continue to rise.

But even if it's expensive, most people can understand that the vegetable sellers are also human beings. It's already July and it's getting hot. They wear airtight protective clothing and run around outside every day, although they are also desperately trying to make ends meet for their own livelihood. To make money, but without these people, it all depends on the government's dispatch. How can the government have so many people to work on the rations of cities and provinces.

And there is another reason for the high price, because no one dares to go out, many vegetables are rotten in the field and no one harvests them, ripe fruits are rotten in the mud and there is no place to sell them, and some live poultry even starve to death due to lack of feed. Few, there are many people who have nothing to eat, but more because of the general environment, the food can't find a way to sell it, and they can only watch it broken and scrapped. Those who can be dragged out and transported to the city for sale A small part, it is precisely because of this that the price becomes more expensive, so in the eyes of some people, prawns worth more than two hundred pounds per catty are even considered cheap.

Mu Nan saw a lot of people in the group, so he also wanted to buy some. He had shrimps in his space, but because he didn't know how to make them, and the space couldn't store live animals, the shrimps he prepared were all ready-made. Okay, but now he wants to eat something made by Qin Huai. Qin Huai has an exclusive recipe for cooking shrimp. Maybe it's a taste he got used to since he was a snack. He feels that the shrimp outside is not as delicious as Qin Huai's.

Qin Huai threw his mobile phone to him, and said, "If you want to eat, buy it. I'll make it for you."

Mu Nan is familiar with the way to turn on the phone and unlock it. He has no money in his own account. During this period of time, all purchases are made with Qin Huai's money. Anyway, Qin Huai's remaining money is not sure whether it will be used up in the end. It is better to use more. , otherwise it would all become a bunch of discarded numbers, it would be too bad.

[BL] Natural Disaster Apocalypse | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें