Chapter 43

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The electricity was cut off for a day and a night, which made many people who complained that they couldn't live a better life feel that their lives would be even more difficult, so they even silenced their complaints, and all of them just prayed that such days of power outages during the day would not happen again. Yes, there are still many people who have been waiting for the opening of the cooling point on their side. They were still hesitating before. After the power outage, they decided to drag their families to live in no matter what. Eat two less bites, but the heat is really unbearable.

I don't know if it's the stimulation of cold supplies that can be used for cash, or this kind of life that can't see the future makes people too collapsed, and there are more and more crimes in the city. Some of them are not so courageous, and gather some "like-minded" people to watch those closed stores. At first, their goal is the restaurant, thinking that if they can find some long-lasting rice noodles, grains and oils in those stores, that would be the same. I made a profit, but I picked the locks of several restaurants, but they all went to nothing. In addition to the seats and benches that cannot be taken away, there is not even a bottle of spices such as pepper and soy sauce. It is estimated that the boss took everything that could be taken away when he left.

Later, I found that there was really nothing that could be entered in this kind of store, so those people started to pry the doors of some daily necessities stores, such as those selling clothes, shoes, and daily groceries. Many people have reaped a lot. After all, they are all inedible. Some stores want to recover some funds. In terms of food and water, the price of goods is skyrocketing, and few people put money on hundreds of thousands of clothes and shoes at that time, so the goods are backlogged. Thinking about this kind of thing without worrying about the high temperature, so I simply locked it in the warehouse of the store, so it was cheaper for the current door burglars.

In comparison, these shoplifters still have a bit of conscience, moral constraints and human nature are still there, and they only want money but not life. Another type of burglary is really devoid of humanity. Some stalkers break into empty doors and steal all the food accumulated in other people's homes and then leave. It's not fatal, but there is a group of people who stalk and wait for someone at home to break into the house. Not to mention robbery, but also killing people to vent their anger.

Those who are really rich and live in high-end residential areas can't move with their current abilities, so these people focus on living in ordinary residential areas, some grassroots cadres' homes, some with a little money but not rich or powerful Self-employed households, small foremen or employees who can still work in state-controlled supermarkets even after the closure of many shopping malls in high temperature, these people are the targets of those frenzied thugs.

Perhaps their goal at the beginning was to seek money and goods, because the people they were targeting had more channels to accumulate materials than ordinary people. But then life became more and more difficult, and what they did became more and more rampant, until they broke through the bottom line of being a human being, from seeking money to killing people for fun, these people even named their gang Doomsday Thugs.

Just like the news that broke out around this time in the last life, a group of people started committing crimes recklessly, lurking in the building at night, and quietly picking the lock to enter the door while others were sleeping during the day. The thing is to wipe the neck of the owner of the house. Some people didn't even realize it in their sleep, and their throats were cut with a knife. Those who were vigilant could not avoid a fight, but those who broke into the house all carried knives. The difference was nothing more than a death without struggle, and a painful death after being stabbed several times.

During this fight, it is inevitable that some neighbors will be disturbed. Now everyone is shutting down work and production, and no one can come out under the violent sun outside. There are no human voices, no industrial noise, and the voices in the next room are naturally obvious in the silence. . Some out of self-preservation, not to mention opening the door, wish to move all the people who can block the door in the house to block it, for fear that after robbing the neighbors, they will rob their own house. Those who dare not open the door for self-protection are mostly fine, because If someone snatches their target, they will leave immediately with their things. And those who opened the door and wanted to help were either severely injured or killed directly.

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