Chapter 118

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It is common sense that there will be mosquitoes when the weather is hot, but people did not expect that after the extreme cold passed, the mosquitoes would flood so quickly, and people were caught off guard so quickly.

What is even more unbearable is that there is no such condition to produce things that repel mosquitoes at all. The extreme heat has almost dried up all the plants on the surface of the earth, and the extreme cold and freezing are barren of grass. Not to mention the mosquito repellent incense liquid extracted from plants, it is Chemical agents do not have that condition.

Finally, after a few days of normal temperature, people can go to work normally and go out of the house normally, but they didn't expect that after two days of comfort, they would suffer the crime of being sucked blood by mosquitoes.

In addition to being scratched and scratched by mosquito bites, the most disturbing thing is sleeping soundly at night, and being woken up by the fluttering wings of mosquitoes in the ears. If possible, I start to make homemade mosquito nets. Without gauze nets, I sew them directly with sheets. Cover the entire sleeping place. The temperature is good now, and it's not hot yet, so even if the cover is a little airtight, it won't affect your sleep. Turn on the air conditioner after it gets hot. Anyway, as long as you can isolate the noisy mosquitoes That's fine.

If you don't have the conditions, just sit up and beat the mosquitoes. There are so many mosquitoes that you can kill one with a slap with your eyes closed at night. .

Mu Nan took stock of the mosquito coils in the space. He bought a lot of them himself. He bought them in boxes online. Later, his brother bought a lot, so there was a lot in stock. It was enough for the mosquito coils to be lit 24 hours a day at home. There is an incense-free electric mosquito repellent liquid, which is suitable for Qin Huai to bring to the office.

Fortunately, Qin Huai now has an office alone. If it is mosquito coils, others may smell it when they come in, but this kind of non-scented electric mosquito coils has no fragrance and no burning cigarettes. It is enough to ensure that the place where you sit is free of mosquitoes.

The protection on their side is quite strict, but the others are miserable. Although they made their own mosquito nets, they are still made of thick fabric like curtain cloth, but they can't just go to bed and hide under the mosquito nets as soon as they get home. There are also a lot of mosquitoes in the place. Like Jian Chu, they do customer service. They just sit in front of the computer and help people solve things through the Internet. Sitting is a godsend. You just need to move your hands and type on the keyboard. Even if you wear thick clothes, there will always be something exposed. Even when taking a bath and going to the toilet, those mosquitoes bit every corner of the body, which made people miserable.

At the beginning, the temperature was still a little cold. Although it was not cold, the weather was just right, and it was a little better to wear long-sleeved trousers, but it couldn't stand the upward climb of one degree a day. In less than a month, it rose directly from zero to two degrees. It was more than 10 degrees and almost 30 degrees. When the weather got hot, the clothes would become unwearable, and there were more places exposed, and the mosquitoes couldn't catch their blood.

The temperature is rising rapidly, and the snow outside is also melting quickly. The road is full of wet potholes after the snow has melted. The river embankment next to them has accumulated a whole winter of snow. The **** of the embankment is repaired, and the water in the residential area basically flows into the river. Fortunately, the river is deep, and the sewers that have been dredged before help drain the water. The snow water did not overflow, but the road was damaged before. I didn't have time to repair it, and many places were potholes, and the melted water gathered in it. I don't know if this is the reason for the breeding of mosquitoes.

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