Chapter 26

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Mu Nan thought that when Qin Huai said he was going to the company, it was because they took a nap together, and then went together after waking up. No problem. (7) Qian Hongmeng slept in the hotel, went to the company by himself, and then went to the warehouse to check. From seeing Qin Huai in this life to now, they have been inseparable almost without being separated for a moment. Now that he was asked to wait for Qin Huai in the hotel, he instantly felt uneasy

"I'll go with you, it's not too hot outside now, besides, there is an air conditioner in the car, so I don't want to cough and writhe frequently!

Qin Huai really didn't want to go out with him, the white sun outside, the air that was basking in the air was so hot that he could take a nap in the hotel with the air conditioner blowing, so why go out with him and suffer. But seeing Mu Nan's obvious unwillingness to be left alone, Qin Huai had no choice but to give in: "Then let's go to sleep first, and then go out after two o'clock."

Mu Nan was happy now. After a while, I couldn't help asking again: "Brother, do you think I'm clingy?"

Qin Huai chuckled lightly when he heard this, "It's not the first day you are so clingy, you have been used to being clingy since you were a child!

Mu Nan has many nicknames, small sticky bag, little tail, and little follower. This shows how clingy he is. Later, when he was in elementary school, his classmates once heard him called him small sticky bag by his family, and the result spread to ⊙ After school, he was called a sticky person, and after that, Mu Nan strongly refused to be called by his nickname by his family, but this clingy attribute cannot be changed without a nickname.

Mu Nan sighed and flattered: "It's not good for an adult man to be so clingy."

Qin Huai put the finished lunch box in "Kao Lai Na Pa Zhong" and then came in and lay down on the bed next to ∧ Jie: "What's wrong, you are not attached to anyone else, who can say that you can't do anything."

Mu Nan said: "You will start a family in the future. I want to be alone again! Don't worry about it. Otherwise, what is he, Ge Baonan?

Qin Huai looked sideways at him: "You want me to get married?"

Naturally, Mu Nan didn't know what it would be like for him to be nice to others and then completely form a family with him, so he said sullenly: "This is not me!

Qin Huai asked: "Then you, Song Rong Jun

Mu Nan replied honestly: "No!

Qin Huai laughed when he heard his disapproval. The bones of Anhua Gu Qiang were astringent. You alone are enough for me to worry about. Let's have another one. How can I have so much free time? Close your eyes and sleep. "

Mu Nan curled her lips, and flipped through "Chisel, pull, scorpion, heart, cedar, cedar, delicacies, looting, planting, emperor, song, and chimney can do anything. If fate doesn't come, you can't force it. If fate comes, you can't stop it, but listen. He was very happy when Qin Huai said that he couldn't get married. If the future is always chaotic and life is difficult, then it's better for the two brothers to depend on each other. After all, he still has a space, except for his space. No one will tell, if there is a lot of "grain quail playing with Qixiu pod" between the two of them

After the meal, it makes people sleepy, the cool air conditioner is blowing, and Mu Nan falls asleep after a while. Qin Huai, who was originally sleeping on the bed next to him, was lying: Huichangxiu was sitting ∑ huchu, sitting on the side of the bed and looking at the unconscious person sleeping on the bed, he couldn't help poking his soft cheek lightly. Besides ∧ Jie, there is no room in my heart for a second person.

Qin Huai's company rented the ∫ Hui floor of an office building in the central business district. In the past, there was always a queue for elevators when entering and leaving this office building. But now, there are no two people in the lobby, and although the nearby shopping malls are also open, there are no customers either. While waiting for the elevator to come down, Qin Huai said: "We can go shopping later, the doors have just reopened now, so we should There are some promotions, you can buy more clothes."

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