Chapter 97

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Wang Hui's family successfully arrived at Building No. 1, but after all, thinking about the relationship between husband and wife over the years, they did not do things too badly. In addition to expressing their willingness to live in a warm shed, the Qi family found wild boars and ate them. The reaction after eating wild boar was told to the soldiers. Although Wang Hui and the others didn't eat, because they had contact with the Qi family, there was no way to directly arrange them into the greenhouse for the time being, and they needed to be isolated and observed.

As for the members of the Qi family, the soldiers who received the news went to their house immediately, and then the whole family was taken away. There was a bit of a commotion when they were taken away, but Mu Nan's house was still far away from Qi's house. It's a house, so only the sound of vehicles, and uncooperative noises can be heard.

When they were shoveling the snow the next day, they deliberately went around to the back. The members of the Huang family probably wanted to gossip. Everyone was taken away and no one was left behind. The Huang family could see clearly from inside the house. The old and the young were carried into the car. The car was a quarantine car, and the soldiers who came to take people away were still wearing protective gear. Clothes.

Probably due to the feud between the two families, the second son of the Huang family gloated a little and said, "I don't think there is such a good thing in the world. Meat falls from the sky for you to eat. These people are really brainless. If that pig goes to After exchanging points, at least I can exchange some rice grains, which is good, greedy mouth has greeded myself in."

Mu Nan and the others just listened to the Huang family's schadenfreude, mainly wanting to know what happened.

Not two days later, when the body temperature was checked again, every household was issued leaflets. The leaflets mainly educated about diseases caused by eating meat of unknown origin. It is said that the wild boar eaten by the Qi family was sick. Everyone who ate it in my family got intestinal anthrax, which is an acute attack. If it cannot be treated in time, it will die in three to five days. This infectious disease is passed through some sick animals, through feces or food Infecting the human body, there will be a certain degree of transmission between people, but the transmission is relatively small, mainly from animals to humans.

The leaflet lists the consequences of eating wild game. Those wild animals have not been vaccinated, have not been quarantined, and may even carry a variety of viruses. It can be said that there have been many large-scale outbreaks of infectious diseases in human history. It is caused by the germs carried by these wild animals, so if people pick up frozen to death, or even hunted wild animals, they must not eat them at will, because there is a fatal risk.

Looking at the flyer, Mu Nan said, "Then shall we go hunting? I thought wild game was pangolin, bats, and wild boar. Those with the word "wild" can be classified as wild game?"

Qin Huai said: "The ones that have not been raised by humans are all wild game. It is indeed risky to eat wild animals, but you can still try hunting. The live animals caught by hunting are always safer than dead meat that freezes to death for unknown reasons. I am afraid that those wild animals are not safe to eat, and you can also use hunted animals to exchange for points. The military should have a method of inspection, and they must have a standard for whether they can eat or not."

Mu Nan sighed, thinking that if they hunted, they would be able to eat meat openly, but their feelings were still not good: "I didn't eat the alpacas before, and the soldiers helped to dismember them. Why didn't they give us the harm of popular science game at that time?" ."

Qin Huai smiled and said, "Because we don't have wild alpacas here. They are raised in zoos or in families, and they will basically be vaccinated."

Several members of the Qi family came back later, and the two with the most serious illnesses disappeared. One was that Qi Kangmin's mother had underlying diseases, including high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, diarrhea to dehydration and even **** diarrhea, which caused various organs in the body to fail. It was too good, no one was rescued, and the child was relatively young. It is estimated that the adults in the family were reluctant to eat and let the child eat too much, which actually hurt him. The other people are in good health. The treatment was fairly timely, and the person was rescued, but the family, whose composition was already complicated, also completely fell apart.

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