Chapter 30

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In fact, when the temperature started to rise, many people have been doing crazy hoarding. It's October, and the temperature is still high, and it hasn't even rained in many areas for several months. This makes people who have just come out of the epidemic alert again.

Their country is fine. The government is trying to divert most people's attention to the resumption of work, and even launched a lot of convenience measures for the resumption of work in various regions. The fiery wave of resumption of work has dispelled some people's concerns about high temperatures. At that time, other countries were in turmoil again, and their side was relatively peaceful.

Until the excessively high temperature caused too many people to die of heatstroke, in the age of self-media so developed, even if the Internet has been cleared very quickly, it cannot hide all the news strictly, people like this It was only when I realized that this might be another life-threatening crisis, so I didn't need anyone to remind me. I bought as much basic rice, flour, grain, and oil as I could. Before the epidemic was closed too suddenly, I didn't have much experience. Now there are With the experience of not being able to go out, many foods that are durable to storage, such as some quick-frozen products, fast food products, and canned instant noodles, are almost out of stock as soon as they are put on the shelves.

Older people are rushing to buy in supermarkets, and young people are placing orders online. Even if the prices of many things have increased a lot, they are sold to the extent that purchases are restricted.

At this time, there are still people who think soberly that no matter how high the temperature can be, all kinds of crisis and doomsday information on the Internet are just alarmist, and they even suspect that this is the government's means to promote consumption. In just a few short days, it can be seen that the consumption data of each province and city has skyrocketed, so I refused to accept the stupid hoarding behavior with the attitude that everyone is drunk and I am alone.

Ever since they had to queue up even to enter the gate of the supermarket, Qin Huai and Mu Nan didn't go shopping very much. They continued to buy what they could buy online, and forgot what they couldn't. After dinner every night, the two The two of them took a walk around the community together, adapting to the outside temperature while digesting food, but they also paid great attention when they went out. They basically carried a small fan and cooling spray with them. That's not worth it.

But I don't know if it's because of running and exercising every day, and learning Sanda from Qin Huai. He feels that his health is much better in this life. At least he can walk outside with Qin Huai for a few hours now, and at most he will be sweating. Under the rain, it was about this time in the last life, he would go out to buy things, but at that time he was almost dizzy from the heat when he went out, and it took a long time to get used to it.

Just as they were walking around the river, a group of people gathered across the road, and the surrounding merchants were carrying a basin of water to sprinkle the face of the person lying on the ground. The ambulance had just arrived at this time, and Mu Nan and Qin Huai I stopped and looked around for a while, until the ambulance pushed the person who fell on the ground into the car.

"It looks like a white-collar worker who just got off work. How many degrees is it broadcasting today?"

Qin Huai took out his mobile phone and looked at it: "Forty-four degrees."

Mu Nan curled her lips in disgust: "I think it's at least 50 degrees. Look at the air, there are waves of heat waves. It's still late at night. In the past, when the summer was the hottest, this kind of heat wave could only be seen under the sun. , the surface temperature was not low at that time."

Qin Huai smiled: "It's really that high, I'm afraid the higher-ups won't dare to report it, they have to suppress it a little bit, otherwise there will be more people crazy about buying things now, and they will panic even more."

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