Chapter 22

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It is probably because the closed door is too closed. With more free time, more and more people are becoming obsessed with cooking. It can be seen from the increase in group buying of various flour baking ingredients in their community recently. People began to toss the kitchen in their spare time, proving that the tension shrouded in death was gradually loosening.

Although the smog has not dissipated, as more and more people walked out of their homes, many people gradually became less afraid of the smog with poisonous mycelium. Although there is no specific medicine for this virus, but With the means of safety protection, they don't have to passively wait for death. Human beings can always find the most suitable way of survival from various adversities.

Although the number of deaths is still growing slowly, the number of new infections is getting smaller and smaller. The data has not changed for nearly half a month. This data has given the public more confidence in the future. In this virus sweeping the world, their country has made the most correct decision from the very beginning. Looking at other countries that are still struggling with death and despair, they are sincerely grateful, and even feel that they can go out and recover from the distance. The day when work resumes school is not far away.

Death seems to be slowly moving away from them, and the order of life seems to be on the right track. If Mu Nan hadn't experienced those futures, he couldn't have imagined that when the smog cleared and the sun came back to the world, there would be even more desperate disasters waiting for them.

There have been more people buying flour and other things recently, and Mu Nan has naturally bought a lot of them, so recently, his oven has hardly stopped, and the sweet smell has been permeating the house, and the fluffy cakes are made Batch after batch, this kind of sugary and filling thing, naturally prepare as much as you can.

Qin Huai also took care of some things that required physical strength at home, such as making kimchi, Mu Nan only needed to move his mouth. The first time I made kimchi was just when the smog started. It was a few months ago. Up to now, Qin Huai has made it three times. There is no way, Mu Nan bought too many Chinese cabbage, pickled it and put it in the space There are dozens of kimchi boxes in China.

It is also convenient for Qin Huai to take out several boxes of kimchi that have been refrigerated in the large refrigerator, and then chop them up again. As the kimchi box was opened, the sweetness in the air was instantly dissipated by a hot and sour wave. Mu Nan, who was following behind Qin Huai, sniffed and smelled it, then reached out and took a piece of kimchi that Qin Huai had just cut into his mouth. Sour and spicy, with a hint of crispness.

After eating, Mu Nan sighed: "I feel like I can become a teacher. The recipe I make is much more delicious than the ones bought outside."

Qin Huai also took a slice and put it in his mouth. It tasted really good. Although the ingredients were a bit heavy, this stuff was originally used with rice or processed stir-fried vegetables to make soup base. In the future, you will grow Chinese cabbage in the field, and then process it into kimchi, and sell kimchi exclusively."

Mu Nan laughed and said, "This is also a path that can be considered in the future."

Qin Huai was cutting over there, and Mu Nan helped to repack the cut pieces into small boxes. He customized many food-grade packaging boxes, big and small, small 500ml, The large 1000ml is for the convenience of taking it in the future. Anyway, the small sub-packages are not expensive, and thousands of them can be customized for a hundred dollars.

After finishing everything and cleaning up the kitchen, Qin Huai asked Mu Nan to put a small box of kimchi outside: "How about making beef with kimchi today? Let's make sliced mushrooms in oyster sauce, lettuce as green vegetables, what else do you want to eat?"

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