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summer 1971

The Burke lived a lavish lifestyle. A long line of pureblood wealth, stretched back many generations. The sacred Burke manor was always owned by the oldest living Burke, that tradition changed today. After the eldest Burke; Charles Burke died, he insisted that his eldest son Thomas Burke and his family inherit Burke Manor.

While his dear wife, Amelia Burke, spend the rest of her life relaxing and stress-free in the countryside at Burke Cottage. Traditions were rarely broken, although they can be changed ever so slightly.

As Thomas brought his family to Burke Manor, in London, it struck him that they were near some old friends of his. Orion Black, and his wife Walburga, if his memory served him right they had two sons around his daughter's age.

Thomas Burke was tired, many years of business was beginning to take their toll, however, he always found the energy when he was home. His wife Elizabeth, was more firm and often had a strict tone when she spoke. She preferred to observe before making her mind up, though it wouldn't take her too long.

Their daughter Aimee, was tough and held herself high and proud as they raised her to be. They taught her to be independent and self-reliant. She never counted on anyone to help, knowing she could easily do the job herself with little help.

She adored her parents, having complete faith that they would steer her on the correct path for success, this included the people they socialised her with. While they were mainly her parent's friends, as most of their children were a lot older than her, and already made friends with others at Hogwarts.

"Aimee!" Elizabeth called her daughter, she quickly left her room not wanting to keep her mother waiting.

"Yes, mother," she rested her hands on the bannister just in case her mother called her downstairs.

"We're meeting Orion and Walburga Black tomorrow-

"Do I really have to go," she interrupted, even though she knew her mother wouldn't approve.

"Yes, and don't interrupt me again, it's incredibly rude," she warned "they're your father's friends-

"Exactly, father's friends-

"Aimee," her mother warned again, she sighed, trying her hardest not to roll her eyes at her mother.

"Sorry mother," she reluctantly apologised "why should I apologise she was forcing me to go and meet their 'friends' they aren't really friends," she thought as her mother rambled on.

"...besides they have sons-

"What?" her ears suddenly taking notice, "Ah, she wants me to meet boys how lovely, a pair of stuck up purebloods."

"Weren't you listening, they have two sons around your age, so you won't be bored," Aimee forced a smile as she pivoted her heels walking back to her bedroom. She never wanted to meet any boys her age, especially purebloods, they're all the same, cruel and arrogant.

Though she came from a pureblood family, she had the sense to realise when the cruel and cold attitude had gone too far jokes were only fun until they hurt someone. Her attitude towards purebloods particularly boys were heavily influenced by rude members of her family that she hated to associate with.

Aimee knew of the Black family and what they stood for. They had quite the reputation in the wizarding world, some going as far as to consider themselves wizarding royalty, all because they have pure wizard blood running through their veins. 'Pathetic,' some people even believe they disinherit those who believe in muggle rights.

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