𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆

860 36 1

summer 1979,
remember me

She never wanted to leave the comforts of her bed. With his arm wrapped securely holding her close, he nuzzled his face in her neck, placing soft kisses along her neck. Aimee groaned as she twist around pressing her lips firmly against his.

"Have you seen the date?" he mumbled into their kiss, she pulled away, looking at the calendar

"20th August?" she read, "that can't be right-

"Yeah, it is,"

"But it's the 20th then that means it's..." she trailed off into deep thought, today was their daughter's first birthday

"Rhea and Phoebe's 1st birthday," Sirius finished for her,

"It's been a year already,"

"Yeah, I was thinking we could go and see them," she nodded, he frowned as her chin trembled, "What's wrong?"

"I've missed so much, I'm such a terrible mother-

"Don't you dare say that you hear me," he lifted her chin forcing her to look at him, "you're a great mother, you always have their best interest at heart, I don't want to ever hear you say that you're a bad mum,"

"But Sirius, they're talking and probably walking better now, I've missed so much, at least you've seen them, I haven't, what if they don't remember me,"

"Of course, they'll remember you," he kissed her forehead "come on, get dressed and we'll go see them,"


As they arrived in the village near her grandmother's home, Sirius held her hand as they walked towards the furthest house from the village. Aimee gazed out into the horse paddock, smiling as the young foals that had been born that spring, were frolicking around with their herd.

She held the tightest grip on Sirius' arm, as they came to the front garden of Burke Cottage. She was so afraid of her daughter's not knowing who she was, she had been away from them for so long. He rubbed soothing circles on her lower back trying to calm her the best he could, as they walked through the door.

"Auntie Aimee!" Laura yelled, prompting Ethan to run in with her. They wrapped their arms around her legs, she couldn't believe how much they had grown.

"Mama!" she looked up as two stumbling toddlers, squealed and giggled. Amelia used her wand to move things out of their path, to prevent them from tripping and hurting themselves. Aimee's eyes filled with tears,

"They're walking so well," she knelt down on the floor, as Phoebe and Rhea tumbled onto their mother's lap.

"I told you they'd remember you," Sirius said, only making her cry more, she ran her fingers through Phoebe's curly blonde hair, lightly stroking her thumb down Rhea's cheek.

"Auntie Aimee, why are you sad?" Ethan asked

"I'm not sad sweetie, I'm very happy," she cupped his face kissing his cheek.

Aimee and Sirius spent many nights at Burke Cottage, waking up to their little girls lying between them, always bringing a bright smile to their faces. She snuggled the girls, as he wrapped his arms around all three of them, she looked over smiling at him, they woke up before Rhea and Phoebe.

"Hard to believe they're a year old isn't it," Sirius whispered

"I don't want them to grow up,"

"Before you know they'll be heading for Hogwarts," he told her

"Yes, they'll make lots of friends, they'll be young love in the air-

"Nah, that's not happening," he interrupted her

"Even if they're in love?" she teased

"No boy will ever be good enough for my girls," he kissed Rhea's forehead, stirring her awake.

Aimee and Sirius celebrated their daughter's first birthday just the four of them. Amelia understood that they hadn't spent a lot of time with their children. She took Ethan and Laura to see their mother and father for the day. Giving them the house to themselves.

"I did bake a cake, I'm not sure if they'll like it," she said, as she brought the cake in the living room, Sirius sat on the floor, with Phoebe and Rhea sat between his legs, he dipped his finger in the icing.

"Here," he rubbed the icing in Rhea's mouth, she licked her lips wanting some more.

"I take it, she likes that," Aimee chuckled, "here Pheebs," at first she seemed unsure of the icing but soon wanted more once she had a taste, Sirius had a mischievous smile on his face "What's with you?"

"I want to try something," he said, leaving the living room going out of sight,

"Dada!" they called for him to come back

Padfoot came running through the living room, he laid flat on the floor, licking their faces, Rhea giggled, while Phoebe retreated back to her mother. Aimee held her close, Padfoot noticed her fear and calmly sat in front of them.

"Snuffles isn't scary, look," she said, lightly petting the big dog, Phoebe reached her hand out, Padfoot nuzzled his head against her hand. She giggled wanting to play with Rhea and the dog, as the pair stood up taking a careful stride towards the big black dog.

"Doggy," Rhea said, grabbing a hold on Padfoot's front leg, he leaned his head down, supporting her. Padfoot ran back into the kitchen, Sirius returned.

"Dada, doggy," they said, pointing into the kitchen.

"What there was a doggy?" he said, looking around the house. "I think it's time for a story,"

"I don't have any books here-

"I'm going tell them a story," Sirius scooped up Rhea and Phoebe sitting on the sofa with them she smiled at him sitting beside them listening as he began the story.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,
Prongs had been turned down by the red flower again, he thought that he would write her a little poem, in the hopes of cheering her up. But the stag didn't know how to make poetry sound romantic, he insisted the Moony helped, which of course, the kind wolf did. Wormtail and Padfoot weren't much help at all, in fact, they had been banned from having any input in the poem. It was Padfoot who would give the poem to the red flower, only he had the confidence to do so. Though the red flower wasn't fooled, she knew the poem was from Prongs, and that Moony had written the entire thing. The red flower crushed the stag's heart again, "one day" he would say "one day I will win my flower". Who would have thought that they'd marry. And live happily ever after.
Mischief managed,"

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