𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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spring 1979,
burke's mission

As she sat in the living room with her daughters. While Sirius spoke with James, Peter and Remus regarding the next Order meeting. She listened in she had contemplated going with him, many times, she bit her lip knowing full well her brothers would through a fit, is she turned up at an Order meeting.

"Hey," she spoke, drawing their attention to her, "would be alright if I came with you?"

"Sure, but erm that would mean leaving the girls"

"Yeah, I know, but I was thinking maybe my grandmother could watch them," she said, Sirius looked down at the floor,

"Give me a second," he told them, walking her back into the living room, "Aimee this isn't something you just walk into it's a commitment to the cause and loyalty-

"I know," she said, looking down at her feet, "but I think I could be of help,"

"Your brothers will kill me,"

"Does that mean I can go with you?" she asked, he nodded, she wrapped her arms around him, he smiled pressing his lips against hers.

"Go write to your grandmother," she smiled quickly kissing him as she hurried to her desk to write to her.


Aimee waited impatiently for her grandmother to arrive, while Rhea and Phoebe lay sound asleep in their cribs. Hopefully, she would get there soon, giving Sirius and her a chance to leave while they were still asleep. Amelia walked through the door, greeting Aimee with a kiss on her cheek, she embraced Sirius, settling her bag on the floor.

"Okay I prepared bottles for them in the fridge, there's a spare change of clothes in their cupboards in their rooms, oh god, maybe I shouldn't go, I mean it is the first time we're both leaving them, what if something happens-

"Aims, I'm sure your grandmother is perfectly capable of taking care of two babies,"

"I've had three sons, and a bucket load of grandchildren, I'll be fine sweetie," she hurried them out of their house.

Sirius held her hand as they apparated to the base of operation, he didn't let go of her hand, even he was nervous about leaving the girls alone, without one of them. As they walked through the door, the disappointed scowls on her brother's face, they didn't want her here, but before Theo could take her outside, Dumbledore spoke.

"Ah, Miss Burke, I never expected to see you here," he held her free hand between his, "actually, I'd like to speak with the Burkes alone," she looked at Sirius,

"It's alright, I'm just outside," he kissed her cheek, as he let her hand fall.

"What is it, if you need to talk with us privately?" Theo questioned once Sirius closed the door,

"Alastor has caught two death eaters, that I believe you'll be able to get some information out of them with ease," Daniel and Aimee looked at each other wondering who they could have captured.

"Who are they?" Jacob asked,

"Right this way," Dumbledore said, gesturing for them to follow him.

The younger siblings were made to follow behind Theo and Jacob, she grabbed Daniel's arm as they neared the room. In there were two death eaters, upon seeing the pair, the entire Burke clan, burst into a fit of laughter.

"This is too easy," Theo said, strutting towards them, "Hi, there little cousins,"

"Don't worry Dumbledore, we'll get plenty of information out of them," Jacob cracking his knuckles,

"Actually, that isn't entirely what I wanted from you," he said, walking out of the room, the siblings followed him out of the room, "I want you to gather as much information as you can, and hopefully, you'll be able to impersonate them, enough to infiltrate Voldemort's inner circle,"

"Alright," Theo held his hands up, "Dan and I will do it, can't be them two they have families,"

"How do you expect to pull off being Alecto," Jacob questioned

"She has a manly voice, it won't be that hard-

"No, he right, it's too risky," Dumbledore spoke, the three brothers all turned to their sister

"Are you really going to throw me to the dark side," she said, instantly regretting wanting to come now.

"You won't be on your own I'll be with you," Theo placed his hands on her shoulder, "this is your call, so what do you want to do?"


Since the capture of Amycus and Alecto Carrow, she had been battling whether or not to go undercover for Dumbledore. He insisted that no one outside of the Burkes should know about their mission. She couldn't possibly keep this from Sirius, it was too big of an assignment, though she thought it wouldn't be so bad if she told him.

She flipped through the Daily Prophet while she fed Rhea, Sirius was attempting to feed Phoebe, though she wouldn't stop waving her hands around making it difficult for him. He eyed Aimee as she appeared to be deep in thought.

"Anything newsworthy in there?" he asked

"None as usual,"

"I was just curious, what exactly did Dumbledore want with you and your brothers?" he asked, she closed the Prophet, "I understand if you can't tell me-

"It's not that I can't tell you, you know I'd tell you anything," she said sighing loudly, "It's just, I wouldn't want you to tell anyone else, it's important that it's kept a secret,"

"If you told me not to say a word, I wouldn't," he assured her

"Alright, but you have to promise not to breathe a word to anyone, including James, Remus and Peter," he nodded his head, she took a deep breath, "you remember Alastor Moody-

"Mad-eye Moody,"


"Oh that's what I've been calling him," he explained

"Anyway, he captured two death eaters, who my brothers and I have quite a history with, Dumbledore wants me and one of my brothers to go undercover, as Amycus and Alecto Carrow,"

"Wait, let me get this straight, you're not officially in the Order, yet Dumbledore wants you to go undercover for him,"

"I know it sounds crazy,"

"How long?" he asked

"I don't know, I couldn't leave you with Rhea and Phoebe alone,"

"That's not what I'm worried about, you'll be right in the middle of a horrid place,"

"I know," she said, looking down at the table "but this is an amazing opportunity to find out what the Dark Lord is planning and we can put a stop to it,"

"Sounds like you've made up your mind,"

"I guess I have," he stood from the table, walking over to her, he brushed her hair behind her ear. He kissed her forehead, as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Whatever you decide we'll make it work,"

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