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first year,
loud-day, birthday

The red sparks that soared through the boy's bedroom of Gryffindor house woke everyone inside. Which was James Potter intention. Today was Sirius' birthday, and James was making a big deal of it, while he quickly hurried to clean up the mess he made. Sirius sat up watching him fumble around in his trunk he creased his brows wondering what he was up to.

"What are you doing?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Happy Birthday!" James said presenting him with some cakes he had snuck up from the kitchen

"You didn't need to do that," he said, shuffling forward.

"Why not? It's what friends do," James said, handing him a cake, "Anyone else want one?" Remus and Peter hurried over, each taking one to eat, Frank stood not saying a word,

"What's the matter Longbottom, Kneazle got your tongue," James said, to which Frank shook his head, he walked down to the common room.

Remus greatly disapproved of James behaviour towards Frank, even if he meant no harm. He knew that Frank was a shy boy and James' teasing probably didn't help him build up confidence and open up a little.

"What's the matter, Frank?" Alice asked, she spotted him walking through the common room, he always became flustered around her, she was always so sweet and kind to him that he often didn't know what to say to her.

"Nothing, James is being loud, I think it's Sirius' birthday," he told her, he noticed something on her hand, "What's that?"

"Oh, Marlene, she drew on my hand yesterday in class, it hasn't come off yet," she explained

"Alice, are you coming?" Lily asked, as she, Marlene and Mary walked down from the girl's dorm room.

"Yes, I'm coming, I'll see you late," she told him, he nodded, she left with the girls looking back at Frank smiling at him. "Are we meeting Aimee again?"

"If she wants to sit with us then yes," Lily replied

"What do you think of her, I think she's nice," she asked,

"She's got a way of making Black do things for her, she must have a hidden talent that I need to exploit immediately," Marlene said, holding her finger in the air, "and she seems pretty cool,"

"I think she's kind and a little funny at times," Lily said, causing Marlene to stop dead in her tracks.

"What is it, Marls," Mary asked

"You don't think I'm funny," Marlene dramatically placed her hand on her chest.

"That's not what I said-

"Don't try and save yourself now," she threw her hand up against her head.

"Your such a drama queen," Mary said

"I know," she said, happily skipping with Alice and Mary linked in her arms.

Aimee patiently waited for Lily, Marlene, Alice and Mary outside of the great hall, to not be sat alone at the Gryffindor table by herself. She could hear, Marlene as usual, you heard her before you saw her, she was rambling on about something again, she really was a loud person.

Lily ran over to her wrapping her arms around her, she hesitantly put her arms around her too. Marlene also greeted her with a hug, she wasn't sure what this was in aid of. She didn't mind they must have considered her a friend worthy of a friendly hug.

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