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second year,
it's just complicated

The first month of her second year flew by quicker than she thought. She stayed clear of Amycus and Alecto they were determined to make her life hell for the remaining years of Hogwarts. Aimee also kept her distance from Sirius and his friends, not wanting to have another bad hair day. Halloween was near and the last thing she wanted was to fall victim to a prank of theirs.

Aimee was curious about the whereabouts of her cousins, she hadn't seen or heard Amycus or Alecto in nearly three days. 'They couldn't be expelled already?' she thought. To make things worse she lost her homework, that was due that day.

Uncle Theophilus would be furious with them, Dahlia had really settled in Ravenclaw house finding friendship in fellow Ravenclaw Jack Parker and Hufflepuff Hector Fawley. Aimee was so proud of a Carrow being in Ravenclaw, at first her uncle Ralston was shocked, but nevertheless, he was proud of his daughter.

As she walked along the hall, she spotted Lucius and Narcissa in the middle of an argument, she avoided them as she passed them she looked back in their direction. Lucius and Narcissa were getting along great, 'What happened to them?' she questioned, they seemed to have a good time together.

"There she is," Mr Filch exclaimed, pointing in Aimee's direction she turned around, as Mr Filch and Professor McGonagall neared, she placed her hand over her nose when the overwhelming stench of a Dung bomb came from Mr Filch.

"Miss Burke, is this your homework?" McGonagall asked, she looked at the paper.

"Yes, I've been looking for it," she said

"So you were the one who threw dung bombs in Mr Filch's office," McGonagall assumed, she creased her brows

"No, I'd never do that," she pleads

"Your homework was seen in the room right after the incident, can you explain why?" McGonagall explained,

"No, Professor I can't"

"Then I have no choice, Miss Burke, I'll see you in detention," McGonagall said, she nodded then she saw them, Alecto and Amycus around the corner smirking at her. 'Them little rats'. She thought.

Aimee went through the entire day, dreading the detention she had later she was hoping to keep a clean record but that soon went out of the window. She was collected from her last by Professor Slughorn to escort her to her detention with Professor McGonagall. She walked into her detention to see already sitting there, Sirius and James.

Merlin only knows what they might have done to get detention, it could have been anything from back chatting the Professors or performing the silly pranks. Sirius was surprised to see Aimee in his detention, she respected the rules too much to break them. 'What did she get into trouble for, probably reading during class?' Sirius thought she did that too often.

Forty-five minutes into detention and she had become thoroughly annoyed with Potter using his wand as a drumstick on the table legs. Sirius seemingly enjoying it made a beat with his fist on the table. What Aimee wouldn't do for McGonagall to walk in right now. They were clearly in detention too often to fool around like this.

"You may be excused now," McGonagall said, Aimee, Sirius and James left the classroom where detention was held.

"Pump your breaks Burke," Sirius said, as she walked away from them, "What did you do to get detention?"

"Nothing just being related to the wrong pair of twins," she said bitterly, he creased his brows "They framed me, made it seem like I pranked Filch,"

"Prank, what kind?" James asked

"Dungbombs in his office," Aimee said, he scoffed

"That's amateurs work," James commented, "now our pranks, they're real pranks,"

"True," Sirius agreed, she thought for a moment before asking a question she was either going to love or regret in the future

"If I gave you a target, could prank two people," she asked, Sirius and James looked at one another

"Who's the target," Sirius asked,

"Come on, I'll show you,"

The three of them, ran through the halls, slowing down when they saw a prefect, they had just got out of detention and didn't want another. They reached the Great Hall, she scanned the hall, looking at her little brat cousins. Her eyes landed on Amycus and Alecto, she pointed towards them.

"Woah, we don't prank first years," James said,

"Yeah, we agreed this year first years off-limits," Sirius explained

"They aren't first years they're rats in a wizards body, they deserve to be humiliated then maybe they'll show a little respect," she said, he smirked at her, as did James.

"Wow Burke, I didn't know you had such a devilish mind," James said

"I don't get revenge I get even," she explained, placing her hands on her hips.

"Now are you going to help me or not," Sirius and James turned around discussing what they would get out of this prank. They turned back to her.

"Yes, on one condition," Sirius said, holding his finger up

"And what might that be?" she asked,

"If we pull this prank off, you have to write a letter to my parents tell them, how fabulous I am," Sirius said, she smiled at him,

"And what if you get caught," she asked,

"We'll do your homework for a whole week," James said, she thought of their proposal, thinking carefully about her options, then she heard Amycus laugh and her blood boiled confirming her answer

"Deal," she said, shaking Sirius and James hand.

"Any particular prank you had in mind?" James asked

"Do your worst," she said, looking over at them "They deserve it" smirked James rubbing his hands together

"I like this Burke, she's fun,"

"What's your issue with them anyway?" Sirius asked

"It's complicated, they're everything I hate, I don't care that they're eleven, Amycus especially deserves to be knocked down a few steps,"

"Fine enough, we'll do our best, come on," Sirius hurried James to their common room.

Aimee left them to come up with the plan to prank her rat cousins Amycus and Alecto, she had reached her breaking point with them. All it would take is one more thing from them before she'd end up throwing punches. Amycus and Alecto were everything she despised about purebloods and it boiled her blood, at just the thought of being biologically related to them.

Her brothers however weren't going to let her get detention for punching anyone, even if it was appealing to them too. Aimee sat in her final class of the day, she felt something hit her back a piece of crumpled parchment fell behind her, she looked behind her, Marlene mouthed 'read it' she opened it under the table.

We're having a sleepover,

do you want to come?

Yes [] or No []

Aimee smiled, marking the yes box, she passed it back to Marlene, who giggled loudly, causing Professor Flitwick to look their way. She composed herself, acting as though she had been writing the entire time, though everybody in the class knew she hadn't been. 

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