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third year,
christmas date

There was only a week left before students would be heading home for the Christmas Holidays, Aimee had a lot that she had planned for this year. She intended to visit her grandmother and brothers, she hoped to sneak away from her mother, her grandmother is and always was better company.

Aimee made her way down to the Quidditch grounds, the captain of the Slytherin team wanted to get one last practise in before people went home for Christmas. Once she got there Regulus was already changed into his Quidditch robes.

"Hey, what are you doing for Christmas?" he asked, as she took her Quidditch kit into a changing room

"A lot, I'm going to my Grandmother's and hopefully my brothers, why you'd ask?" she asked, Regulus leaned on the door, frame outside of her changing room.

"My mother is hosting another Christmas ball, do you want to come?" he asked

"I don't know, Sirius would be there,"

"Does that matter? Come as my guest," he told her, she pursed her lips, she did have fun the last time.

"Yeah, it might be fun," she said, walking out of the dressing room, ready to play Quidditch, she bent forward running her fingers through her hair gathering it into a ponytail.

James and Sirius decided to spy on the Slytherin Team, as the Slytherins had taken the last day for training. Now the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws had to wait until January to train again. James had shown Sirius his Invisibility cloak that he stole from his father, who believe he had missed placed it.

James draped the cloak over him and Sirius, as they walked into the stands having a full view of the Slytherin's down below. Sirius watched his little brother, he was good, better than he thought he would be, then he spotted Aimee she was quick. Flew through the sky almost difficult to get, she was by no doubt the strongest Chaser on their team.

Even James had to admit the Slytherin team were strong this year, after practice was over, they snuck down to the changing rooms to listen in on their plans for the next game. The pair managed to sneak inside the changing rooms, where the captain congratulated Aimee and Evan for their efforts during practice.

"You were great," Aimee told him

"Thanks, I could hardly keep up with you," Evan said, she chuckled

"I'll see you two later, I'm meeting Avery and Mulciber," Regulus said, leaving the changing room.

Evan watched waiting for Regulus to be out of eyesight, he pressed his lips against hers. James cringed, Sirius covered his mouth so they wouldn't know they were there. Aimee pulled him closer to her, James saw this as the time to leave, he shoved Sirius out of the changing room.

The cloak fell off them, James eyed Sirius curiously, they weren't really dating, why did it bother him so much. Aimee dating Evan had become a big issue for him, feeling that he had lost his friend, Remus was right she had stopped caring.

"I don't get it," he mumbled

"Get what?" James asked

"I thought, dating Layla would annoy her, but instead it drove her to him,"

"I don't understand, I thought you weren't actually dating Aimee?"

"I wasn't but being with her, made me so happy, even if it was all fake," he admitted

"Then try and win her back," he suggested

"No, I can't you saw how happy she was, I couldn't ruin that,"

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