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third year,
the brightest star

With summer break just around the corner, Aimee wanted to see Snuffles again, she wouldn't get to see the dog until she returned to Hogwarts in September. She waited for the dog, though he seemed to be late, she always came at the same time as dogs were smart enough to recognise routines. She was just about to give up when she heard a rustling in the brushes.

"Snuffles?" she said, outran a dog from the bushes. "Hi, boy I'm not going to see you for a while," she scratched behind his ear. "I really wish I could take you with me," the dogs ears pricked up "My mother would never allow a dog in our home, and you're too big to hide,"

She sat on the floor, taking her grandmothers journal out of her bag, Padfoot flicked his eyes over though he had to seem like he couldn't read it. Aimee flipped through a few pages, looking for the prophecy her grandmother had made about her.

"With the brightest star, two shall become eleven"

She didn't know what that could mean, she would have to talk to her grandmother about it. However, her mother insisted that Amelia was filling her head with nonsense. Her father was growing more and more distant from his wife, her constant need for Aimee to successfully take her places amongst a pureblood society, was driving a huge wedge between the family.

Though Elizabeth wasn't aware that Aimee had her own little plan to spend the summer with her friends and brothers. Starting with Marlene. Padfoot nudged her legs, she petted the dog, looking back at her book, she ruffled the dog's ears.

"Oh snuffles I don't know what to do," she said laying back on the grass "I still really care about Evan, but I know that we can't be together, I really miss him" she sighed, Padfoot rested his head on her knees, while she ran her fingers through his fur.

"And then there's Sirius, you know he can be really fun to be around, he manages to make me laugh, I just wish he'd be more honest with me," Padfoot stood up, running back through the trees. "Snuffles!" she shouted, he didn't come back.

He ran through the forest, towards the whomping willow, he slipped through the waving branches, he hurried through a tunnel turning back into himself once he reached a room. He slumped on a chair that stood next to a table, while he thought he was alone, he heard hooves wandering down the tunnel.

"So this is what you've been doing," James said "sneaking off to see Aimee as a dog?"

"You wouldn't understand prongs-

"Really, if you haven't noticed Lily talks to me less and less every day, I'll never have a chance with her, not soon anyway," Sirius chuckled, "if I can help you get Burke, you'll owe me, by helping me get my Lily flower,"

"You wouldn't know where to begin with Aimee,"

"Oh yeah, I know she's going with McKinnon to the Quidditch World Cup, and that she finds reading fun, like some alien creature,"

Sirius scowled at him, he found it adorable when Aimee read her books, she'd curl up into a ball, resting her chin on her knees, wearing an oversized jumper. Her hair was usually in a big messy bun, then he'd spot the small smile that crept onto her face when she was reading a part she enjoyed.

"Fine, you help me win over Aimee and I'll try to convince Evans of your worthy,"

"Har, har, you're really funny do you know that?" James rolled his eyes.


Another Hogwarts year had come to an end, Aimee had a lot she wanted to do this summer, her top priority was attending the Quidditch World Cup with her friends. Next was seeing her brothers and Grandmother. She had also made a promise to stay over at Grimmauld Place with Regulus.

Aimee sat on her own aboard the Hogwarts Express, no one else had left the great hall yet. Not that it bothered her, it gave her time to try and finish her book before she arrived home. Where she would have to hide the book from her mother.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit with you?" Sirius asked, she shook her head, putting her book away, they sat in silence for a moment he patted his knees, thinking of a conversation starter.

"I never asked how you were," he said, she creased her brows at him "you know after you and Evan-

"Oh, I'm alright, it can be a little awkward at times, but we're okay,"

"I know, I didn't get along with him, but I could see how happy he made you, I'm sorry it ended," she smiled at him

"Thank you, I miss him-

"I know-

"What? You know?"

"I mean, you can tell you, I think he misses you too," he spoke quickly saving himself.

They were joined, by Remus, Peter and James. Potter had informed them of his plan to help Sirius win over Aimee, and for once Remus didn't think it was a bad idea and might actually work. That is if Sirius played his cards rights.

She couldn't put her finger on it, but he was different, more mature, not teasing her as much. Or criticising her choice of friendship mainly Evan. He was being himself, around her and his friends, she couldn't help but smile to herself, this was the Sirius she cared for.

This was the Sirius she loved. 

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