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first year,
bilbo baggins and big

Aimee rolled over in her bed glancing at her clock on the bedside table, 10:30 am. She had slept through breakfast, she had no worries for the weekend had arrived. She turned over, seeing the letter she had written the other night for her mother. She gritted her teeth, she had to leave the comfort and warmth of her bed to send the letter, she groaned, throwing the covers off her.

She brushed back her long hair, flipping her hair forward to gather all of her hair, scrunching it, tying her hair in a loose, messy bun. She pushed her wand through her hair, holding it in place, she was only taking a trip to the owlery; she wouldn't see anyone. Aimee pulled a grey jumper over her head, paired with black jeans and her ankle boots.

She didn't need to be in uniform when it wasn't school days, so she could dress a little more like herself. Aimee threw her bag over her shoulder before leaving her room, she exited her common room. As she made her way out of the dungeons and through the courtyard, her letter in her hand so she didn't crumple it in her bag.

She didn't have an owl of her own, her mother would never buy her one, meaning she had to use the owls that are at Hogwarts. Aimee approached the tall spiral stone stairs which lead to the owlery, as she reached the top, she bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you,"

"No, it was my - Burke?" Aimee looked up

"Sirius hi," she said, a little cheerier than normal

"I didn't recognise you, without your hair being a big curly mess,"

"Ah your so funny Sirius, has anyone told you that, your hair is just as curly as mine,"

"Still it's better than yours,"

"You wish," she smiled at him, ruffling his hair.

"Are you sending a letter home," Sirius asked,

"No, I just wanted to come and see the owls, of course, I am, it's about Christmas,"

"What? Christmas is two months away,"

"I know, but rather than my parents planning something, I've let them know ahead of time," she smiled at him, she rested her bag on a bench, though it immediately fell off. Aimee lifted her bag placing it more carefully on the bench.

"What are you doing for Christmas, if you have to let your parents know," Aimee held back her smile, creeping on her face before answering him.

"Actually, Regulus invited me to yours, kind of," she told him, he creased his brows at her

"You've been talking to Reg?" he questioned

"No, I saw him, and your mother at the train station, he said, he'd see me at Christmas so yeah," she explained, Sirius didn't respond to her. "Narcissa and Andromeda told me it's an invite-only thing," Sirius eyed her cautiously

"First Reggie, now Cissy and Andy, you're getting around my family Burke," Sirius smirked at her

"No, it was the first time Narcissa had spoken to me," she said, a mischievous smile appearing on her face "Does it bother you that I talk to Regulus and your cousins, are you jealous?" Sirius scoffed

"Me jealous," he laughed "oh Burke, spend all your days with me and not my cousins, I don't think so," Sirius mocked, she shook her head handed the letter to an owl

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