𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚-𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓

456 17 4

winter 1981,
grief and separation

She had tried everything she could to make Ethan and Laura feel as comfortable as possible. Holding back her own grief for the children. They had no true understanding of what happened, the two siblings asked for their mother and father, during the night.

The family was too close to all the action, Amelia was paying the family a visit. Aimee tried her best to hold herself strong, not wanting her grandmother to see that she was struggling to come to terms with everything. She knew that keeping the children here would keep her mind busy.

Ethan had spent his 5th birthday without his mother and father, as much as Sirius and Aimee tried to make it fun for him. He knew something was wrong, he spotted his aunt crying when she was alone, he knew something wasn't right.

"Auntie Aimee, why can't we go home?" he asked, as he enter the kitchen.

"Because, Grammy is coming here to see you," she said, he nodded, slowly walking to the living room, she sighed she hated lying to him.

"Aims," Sirius spoke, she looked over to him, "I know you want to keep the children,"

"Sirius, don't-

"Let me finish, you'll get more done, while they're with your grandmother," she lowered her head, she knew he was right, deep down she didn't want to be away from her children, or niece and nephew, especially at this time.

"You're right, it will probably be better for them," he kissed her forehead, soft grazing her stomach, with his thumb.

"I hate leaving them as much as you do, but it is safe for them-

"I know," she said, tears filling her eyes "excuse me,"

She excused herself, as she walked past the children, hiding her face from them. Sirius waited for Amelia to get there before he left, he had received a letter from James, he needed to speak with him urgently and alone.

"Grammy's here," Amelia announced

"Good, I have to be somewhere, Aimee's in the bathroom, my brother Reg is in the kitchen, the children they're everywhere, I'll be back as soon as I can," he left without waiting for her response.

He apparated to Godric's Hollow, he hurried to James and Lily's, letting himself in, he was greeted by Harry crawled towards her. Sirius lifted him up, swinging him around, he stopped when he made himself dizzy, Lily took Harry from him, she didn't greet him with the usual warm smile she had.

James gestured for him to go for a walk, they strolled through the village, Sirius spotted his and Aimee's first home, it looked deserted, not how they wanted it to feel. James walked towards the cemetery, he stopped at two headstones, the names upon the headstones were 'Fleamont Potter and Euphemia Potter'

"It's been a year," he said, Sirius remember the funeral like it was yesterday. Aimee had only read about their deaths she was still in hiding and couldn't attend the funeral. "They never got to meet Harry,"

"It's a shame, Mia and Monty would have loved him," James nodded, agreeing with him, his parents would have adored Harry with all their heart.

"I'm taking Lily and Harry, we're going into hiding,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, wouldn't you?" James questioned

"Yes, I've convinced Aimee to take our kids to her grandmothers,"

"We don't have that option, the Prophecy is about Harry, not me and Lily, I want you to be our secret keeper-

"No," Sirius said flatly "You know I would to help you, you've done so much for me,"

"Then why won't you?"

"Everyone knows, that wherever you were I wasn't far behind and vice versa, it'll be too obvious,"

"I understand," James said, "that leaves Remus and Peter,"

"Who do you trust more?"

"At the minute Peter,"

"I told you how scared Phoebe was of him, and you still trust him more than Rem,"

"Phoebe's a child, Peter could have made her jump and it scared her," Sirius clenched his jaw, he couldn't tell James he was wrong, he didn't know if his daughter had seen something or not.

"Why not Remus?"

"Remus, has been doing work for Dumbledore, and he's being very secretive about it, I reckon it's something to do with the werewolves that Voldemort has on his side,"

"I can't tell you who to trust with your family," Sirius said, James hugged him, they were more than friends they were like brothers.

"It's the best timing too, Lily just found out she's pregnant," he told him, "Don't tell anyone, we didn't want to make a big fuss about it," he nodded "You should get going, in case someone sees you,"

"Yeah," Sirius walked away, he looked back at James, "hey Prongs," James looked back at him

"I expect to see you on my birthday," James chuckled at his lame attempt to cheer him up.

Sirius arrived back at Burke Manor, the silence of the house haunted his thoughts. 'No children, no distraction' he felt stupid for telling Aimee they needed to be away from the children. He was hoping they hadn't left so soon, they could have distracted him from James' news, even if was just for a little while.

Aimee walked downstairs with a smile on her face, though it quickly fell when she saw Sirius. She hurried over to him, he hugged her, squeeze her tight, that's when he couldn't hold it in any longer. She knew he had gone to see James, she waited for his breathing to calm down before asking what happened.

"Sirius," she cupped his face, "Sirius talk to me," she pleads

"They're leaving with Harry, with Voldemort knowing about the Prophecy, it'll only be a matter of time before he plans an attack,"

"Shh, they're going to be okay, we'll make sure of it,"

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