𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝑶𝒏𝒆

860 43 0

summer 1979,
phoebe's little gift

Amelia Burke had her hands full, with Aimee's twins along with Jacob's two children. She might have only had Ethan and Laura for a couple of hours, it was nothing she couldn't handle. Ethan was a very helpful boy, while Laura was a lot more steady on her feet, running quite confidently.

The only real challenge was when it came to settling them down for a nap. She asked Ethan to watch the girls while she prepared their meals, he was great at keeping his sister and cousins entertained. She heard loud cries coming from the living she, hurried back to them.

"What happened?" she asked Ethan as she lifted Phoebe up off the floor,

"I don't know," he said, shrugging his shoulders, "she was laughing then she did this," he stared vacantly at her, "then she cried,"

"Okay, hunny," she sat on the sofa with Phoebe trying to calm the distressed child, then it dawned on her she couldn't remember a time when she didn't have visions. She held Phoebe's tiny hands, focusing on her as she closed her eyes, that's when she saw them. 

Death eaters chasing down two young wizards on a muggle motorbike. Many curses were being cast their way, they were lucky enough to dodge them, one of the young wizards cast jinx was fired back at the death eaters.

"Nice one, James,"

Amelia realised that Phoebe was a seer like her, she had a vision, most likely her first one, the confusion of not knowing what she had seen. Especially hearing her father's voice, without having him anywhere near. She hurried to her desk, where she store all her books that contained every vision that she ever saw. She had to inform Sirius of what their daughter had seen and the danger he may be in.


"Padfoot, another letter came from Grandma Burke," Peter said, handing him the letter, he was dreading what she was going to tell him, 'could she had seen something about Aimee?'. He opened the letter, not at all prepared for the long letter he received.

Dear Sirius Black,

I hope you're keeping well and safe, the girls are going great, they're saying a few words now. They love finger painting with Laura, in fact, the three girls have grown quite close in the last few weeks. They're giving lots of kisses and cuddles.

Their walking is more of a tumble at the moment, they'll get the hang of it eventually. They keep asking for their mama and dada. I hope everything is fine with you and Aimee, have you heard from her at all?

I'm getting worried, neither I, Jacob nor Daniel have heard anything from her or Theo since they left and to make things worse, their father is missing too. I was hoping you could come and visit, it would be good for the girls and for you. You're always welcome it would be lovely to see you.

Oh and give James and Lily my love, I wish them the best.

Take care,
Amelia Burke

He smiled at the photograph Amelia included of the four children, Ethan's cheeky smile as Laura sat between his girls. Phoebe looked just like Aimee, he chuckled as the three girls looked totally different, Laura had bright ginger hair like her mother. Phoebe's hair was blonde, with small curls in her hair, Rhea had black wavy hair, like he did, Remus' voice snapped him back to reality.

"Aimee's grandmother, sounds great why don't you go and see her?" Remus asked as he read the letter over Sirius' shoulder

"Because if I see the girls, I'll want to bring them back home, you have no idea how hard it's been," he said, Remus looked over to James and Peter.

"Yeah, we don't know how hard it's been so talk to us,"

"They're your daughters we understand that you're going to be worried about them," James added,

"It's not that, I know Rhea and Phoebe are safe, they're in the countryside, with a seer, nothing is going to happen to them, it's Aimee I'm worried about, I haven't heard anything from her since she left, I don't even know is she's still alive,"

"I imagine it would be difficult for her to send you a letter, especially if she's around more people than just her brother," Remus said, hoping it would put his mind at ease.

"Why can't you have Rhea and Phoebe so you aren't alone," Peter asked,

"Look at them," he said, showing them the photo

"They remind me so much like Aimee, Rhea has her eyes and I've seen baby pictures of Aimee, Phoebe practically her double, I just don't want to be worried so much,"

"They aren't Aimee, don't you think they'd want to be with you instead of their Great-Grandmother," James said, he sighed knowing they were right.


Sirius arrived at Burke Cottage, he smiled at the sound of laughter coming from inside the cottage. They sound like they were having a lot of fun, his smile fell, 'I can't take them away from this,' he thought. He turned around to leave, however, Amelia's voice halted his steps.

"Sirius, it's so wonderful to see you, dear," she embraced him warmingly, guiding him inside the house. Two small children almost ran into him, he smiled down at them.

"Uncle Siri," Laura said, wrapping her arms around his leg,

"Where's auntie Aimee?" Ethan asked, looking behind him,

"She's working, my god, look how much you two have grown," he said, twirling Laura around, he lifted Ethan up, "you're getting too heavy now," he put the boy back down on the ground.

"Do you want to see them?" Amelia asked, smiling brightly at him, he nodded,

The two small children showed him through to the living room, he smiled when he saw his little girls, their faces lit up when they spotted him. They squealed crawling over to him, he kneeled down letting them crawl all over him he lifted them up hugging them tightly.

"My girls, I've missed you both so much," he said, smiling at them, "look how curly your hair is getting, you're going to be just like your mother,"

"Mama," Phoebe babbled

"Yeah, just like mama," he said, kissing their cheeks

"Hunny, do you want to stay for a while?" Amelia asked, seeing just how much he missed them

"That would be great, thank you,"

"I wanted to talk to you about Phoebe,"

"Did something happen?" he asked, checking Phoebe for any marks,

"No dear, nothing like that, I believe Phoebe may have inherited my ability,"

"She's a seer, this young, she's not even a year old yet,"

"I believe the reason been so distressed, is because she doesn't understand what she is seeing, hearing your voice when you aren't around, I documented a few things for you and Aimee, so you have an idea of what to look for,"

"Look for what?"

"Signs, vacant staring, muttering or repeating specific words, I wrote it all down for you," she handed him a book, he flipped through the pages, reading something that only happened a few days ago, however, according to the dates, Phoebe had foreseen it almost three weeks ago. 

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