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second year,
regulus black

Aimee hadn't heard the last from her mother, for the last seven days straight, Mrs Burke had been strictly warning her daughter of her changing behaviour. While she nodded along and agreed, she hardly changed, the only problem was Elizabeth didn't know her daughter, and couldn't recognise that she was just being herself.

As the time came for her to return to Hogwarts, she couldn't be more thankful. Even if she was going to be accompanied by her cousins which she despised, Dahlia was fine. However, Amycus and Alecto were a different story, they were everything, Aimee didn't want to be associated with. Blood prejudice at its finest. Just like many Carrows before them, taking after their father, Theophilus.

She looked around, not wanting to be seen by any of her friends, at least not while Amycus and Alecto were there. She did see Regulus who approached her, she cursed herself knowing that he would like to sit with her on the train. Aimee saw Evan coming from the otherside, 'oh not now,' she thought.

"Burke good to see you, excited for a new year? Do you want to sit with us on the train?" Evan asked, gesturing to him and Severus,

"I'd love to, but I have my little cousins with me, Evan Rosier meet, Amycus, Alecto and Dahlia Carrow," she said, gesturing to each of her cousins.

"Rosier? I didn't know you had it in you to be friends with this pathetic excuse of a Pureblood-

"Why you little shi-

"Ah ah, auntie Elizabeth is watching," Amycus waved his finger in her face, she clenched her fist.

"Pathetic excuse? Your cousin is one of my favourite people in the school," Evan said winking at her

"Once you're on the train, auntie Elizabeth won't be there to help you," she said smiling at him, "Now move it," she ordered Amycus and Alecto to board the train.

Once they were on the train, Amycus and Alecto, talked with Regulus who had boarded the train with them. Dahlia sat next to Aimee, Regulus talked to her cousin Amycus, much to her dismay. It wasn't her place to tell her cousins or Regulus who they could and couldn't talk to, she just couldn't wait till they were back at Hogwarts, back to hanging out with Sirius.

For Aimee, a new year at Hogwarts began the second the students stepped off the Hogwarts express, Dahlia hugged her as she was heading for the boats across the black lake. She, however, being a second-year student, climbed aboard carriages that were pulled by themselves, she questioned what spell was used to pull the carriages.

She joined a carriage with Alice, Lily, Dorcas, Mary and Marlene. Emmeline didn't join them she went with the boys mainly Remus. Though the humorous company of James Potter and Sirius Black, made up for ditching the girls, plus she got to keep Peter company, ease his nerves about the new year.

She joined Evan and Severus, at the Slytherin table back in her Slytherin robes. McGonagall walked up the Great Hall, to greet the new first-year students, she smiled as Dahlia and Regulus walked down the Great Hall. Aimee glanced over at Sirius, who watched his little brother smile brightly as he looked around the Great Hall.

"Hector Fawley," McGonagall called, the shy boy walked up to the sorting hat. Which roared "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Amycus Carrow," the hat barely touched his head before screaming "SLYTHERIN!"

"Alecto Carrow," same as her brother she too was placed in Slytherin House.

"Dahlia Carrow," Aimee watched her, the hat sat on Dahlia's head for a while, the hat roared "RAVENCLAW!"

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