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third year,
hogsmeade date

Preparing for her first date was more nerve-racking than she first thought, it was these moments that she deep wished she had an older sister instead of older brothers. Someone who could help with her hair and make-up, then she remember she had Narcissa just a few doors down from her bedroom. She took a deep breath as she knocked on her door.

"Come in," she said, Aimee opened the door, poking her head around the door.

"Hi, are you busy?"

"Just studying but I can take a break, what's on your mind?" she asked

"I have a date with Evan and I need help getting ready," Aimee said shyly

"I thought you went on a date with Sirius?"

"We weren't dating we never was, this will be my first date,"

"Alright, sit down, I'll start on your make-up,"

Narcissa loved to do her hair and make, she enjoyed it so much the first time she ever came to her home. It was like she had a little sister, instead of being the youngest. Once she finished her make up she had to hurry back to her bedroom to change for her date with Evan, Regulus helped her pick out something to wear.

Regulus always had a good sense of style, he chose a pair of black jeans with a cream jumper, the weather had turned cold. So she needed to dress appropriately, he had also asked that she bring him something from Honeydukes.

While in the Gryffindor Common room, Sirius had invited Layla to hang out with him. Remus couldn't work out why he decided to ask her out, he thought Sirius had a crush on Aimee. He and Layla sat on the sofa in the common room, he had a book in his room that he brought down to read with her.

"Hey, shall we read this?" he asked her


"I just thought it would be fun, you could read to me, that kind of thing," Sirius said

"You can't read, yourself?"

"Yes, nevermind I just thought it would be fun to do,"

Sirius put the book on the table, wrapping his arm around Layla, she snuggled closer into him. He didn't think he'd miss Aimee reading to him, he probably didn't handle things with her the best. Layla was still a nice girl and he did have fun with her, it just wasn't the same.

In Hogsmeade, Evan and Aimee had gone to the Three Broomsticks for drinks, they fought over who would pay. He beat her to pay for the drinks, she warned him that she would pay next time. They both shared a cheesecake, she held the fork offering to feed him some, he opened his mouth, she lifted the fork getting cheesecake on the tip of his nose.

"Is that funny?" Evan asked wiping his nose.

"It was there, I had too," she said, with a big smile on her face.

"So what's the thing with you and Sirius, did you break up with him or something?" Evan asked

"No, we weren't even dating, he's just being so childish, right now, using Layla to get to me, I couldn't care less,"

"Really? I thought you were close,"

"We were, but I'm fed up to tell you the truth," she admitted to him and to herself

"I can understand why," Evan commented, she nodded, "Come on, I got an idea,"

Evan held her hand walking her through Hogsmeade, they walked up a high hill, neither of them realised how steep the hill was until they reached the top. They took a moment to catch their breath before looking over the scenery, lush green fields and a perfect view of the lake.

"Wow, I never realise how beautiful it was here," she said, smiling as she gazed across the land.

"Yeah, I come up here alone sometimes," he admitted

"I can see why, this so peaceful,"

Aimee sat down at the base of an old willow tree, he smiled sitting down with her, she shuffled over to him, resting her head on his shoulder. They could have sat there forever just the two of them, where no one could bother them.

"You know if you ever wanted to come here with me-

"Oh I'd love to, I know Hogwarts is only down there, but I feel like I'm in a whole other place," she said

Once the weather turned colder, Evan suggested going back to their common room, he walked with her hand in his. The pair laughed as they strolled back to the common room, neither of them really wanted their date to end, Aimee had seen a difference in him, a side of him that he wouldn't dare show her at first.

They lounged in the common room, just for a little while longer, talking and laughing, Aimee rested her head on his shoulder. He could see her eyes starting to fall heavy, he sat up a little to wake her up, he brushed some of her hair away from her face. He held her hand, walking her to her bedroom.

"I had a great time," she said leaning up to kiss his cheek, closing the door behind her. She leaned against the door, smiling to herself, she could smile knowing that this date; her first date. Had been the best experience she had at Hogwarts.

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