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sixth year,
when sirius met ethan

By the time Christmas Eve came around, Aimee was thoroughly surprised at how everyone was coping with Charlie's death. Everyone seemed to be putting on a brave face for Ethan, even if he wasn't aware of anything like that, he could sense something was wrong, he would become uncomfortable and begin crying.

She repeatedly checked the time, anxiously waiting for Sirius to arrive, hoping he'd get here before her friend did. She heard a knock at the door, hurrying over to the door, as she opened the door she lept into Sirius' arms, she kissed him, he shoved her away when he heard someone walking towards the door, he smiled at Theo

"I'm so glad you made it," she said, he kissed her cheek, she hurried over to Ethan who was sitting on the floor, she picked him up.

"Sirius this is my nephew Ethan," he smiled at the small child, pulling a funny face at him, Ethan clapped his hands and laughed, a mischievous smirk grew on her face,

"Do you want to hold him?"

"No, no I don't,"

"Come on, it'll be cute," he sighed,

"I've never held a baby before,"

"You'll be fine here," she handed Ethan to Sirius, she smiled as Ethan stared up for a moment at the stranger was holding him.

"Don't say it," he warned her,

Aimee was about to speak when another knock was heard at the door. She opened the door, greeting Regulus with a hug, she hadn't told Sirius or Regulus that she had invited them both. She didn't want them to lose each other, they barely spoke to each other, or even mention each other's names in conversation.

"Reg, erm what are you doing here?" Sirius asked

"Aimee invited me," he eyed his older brother carefully

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Holding a baby strangely suits you," Regulus said, she chuckled hiding her smile.

"Shut up," he said, "you hold the baby,"

"I don't want to hold the baby,"

"Take the baby," Sirius demanded

"I don't want the baby,"

"I'll take the baby," she said, stopping a small argument from occurring,


While the night before Christmas was a little awkward at first, with Sirius and Regulus not knowing what to say to each other. Though after watching a few muggle tv shows that Laura and her family watched at Christmas, they didn't need to do much talking.

It was the first Christmas that Theo had to cook the Christmas dinner, he underestimated just how much work, Charlie did at Christmas. Aimee saw how much stress Theo was under trying to keep up with everything, so insisted that she help clean up after dinner.

"Dinner was great by the way," she said,

"Thanks, don't tell Jake and Danny, but Grammy has been teaching me how to cook, I did invite her she invited some guy, Aberforth I think his name was," she smiled to herself, "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing," he cocked his brow unconvinced, "I'm glad that Sirius and Reg are getting along,"

"Anyway could you cover for me tonight?" he asked, just as she was about to leave the kitchen

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