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summer 1974,

Thankfully Aimee's father covered for her, as she had arranged to stay over at Marlene's rather than meeting her at the Quidditch game. While she had no idea what her father was going to tell her mother, she trusted that he would have her back.

She excitedly waited to leave, after having her bag packed for five days before she would be leaving for Marlene's house. She sat in her bedroom anxiously waiting for her father to take her to the McKinnon family home.

"Are you ready, starling?"

"Yeah, I've been ready for days now," her father smiled at her as he offered to get her bag for her.

"I'm taking you now while your mother is out," she hopped off her bed following behind her father.

"I'm curious, what did you tell mother?"

"I told her you were staying with Narcissa, she doesn't talk to Druella or Cygnus, so there's no issue there," he explained

"Ah, good thinking I thought you were going to say I was staying with Regulus,"

"No I wouldn't with her being friendly with Walburga," he told her, they walked towards their fireplace, "By the way, you should know, that she keeps a close eye on things, I'd just be cautious with what you do at Grimmauld Place, the fox is always watching,"

"I'm there a lot and sometimes to see Sirius,"

"I know that's why I'm telling you, if you are going to see him, I'd make sure you aren't easily seen,"

"Thank you for telling me,"

"Your welcome, after you sweetie," she gestured for her to go before him.

She waited for her father, they arrived in a small village, she noted that the village was inhabited by many wizarding families. She never realised that Marlene lived in a wizarding village, her father guided her towards the address she had been given.

"You don't have to walk me to the door-

"Nonsense, I'd like to know the people you'll be staying with," she smiled as he knocked on the door, a man around her father's age answered the door.

"Ah, you must Mr Burke, and Aimee of course,"

"Nice to meet you sir is Marlene here,"

"Yes, so is Lily and Alice," he said, looking upstairs, "Marley, Aimee is here," he shouted up to her,

Marlene rushed down the stair, followed by Alice and Lily. The three girls wrapped their arms around her in a group hug, just before she left, she hugged her dad, he smiled as she left with her friends. Her father insisted on talking with Mr McKinnon before he left.

"How do you plan to take the girls to the Quidditch game?" Mr Burke asked

"We were planning to use portkeys, but Lily, isn't too familiar with them, most likely going to use the floo network,"

"Good, Aimee often suffers from portkey sickness when she uses them," Mr McKinnon nodded as he assured her father that she would be perfectly fine with them.


In Marlene's room the four girls changed into their pyjamas and began their sleepover, Alice had brought many hair accessories to Lily, Aimee and Marlene's hair as they had hair long enough to do some cool styles with.

Aimee was glad her mother had no idea where she was, she could finally be herself, without fear of her dragging her back home. Marlene had the genius plan of playing truth or dare with veritaserum, each of the girls worried about what might be asked.

"Alright, time for truth or dare?" Marlene said, sitting on the floor, "Nobody is cheating here," she handed out a small vial of veritaserum,"

"Is it safe to use?" Alice questioned.

"Of course, it is," Marlene said, she along with Alice, Aimee and Lily all took a sip of veritaserum. "First question, has anyone here cheated on a test?" only she raised her hand, "you're all a bunch of goody-goodies,"

"Have you had a crush?" Lily asked, only Alice and Aimee put their hands up.

"Who was it?" Marlene added, Aimee and Alice glanced at each other before answering.

"Frank," Alice said, "he might be quiet, but he's really kind and thoughtful," causing all the girls to squeal.

"Mine was Sirius-

"I knew it, I knew you liked him," Marlene said

"Lily said, had a crush past tense, I did like him but then he pushed me away," they nodded knowing that Sirius had treated her badly, ignored her, insulting her Slytherin friends. "Anyway, who's ever stayed awake all night till morning," Marlene raised her hand along with Aimee.

"I was having a bet with myself, back on to Sirius, how do you feel about him now?" Marlene asked

"I don't know, he's different somehow, I can't explain it," she said, unsure of herself, it must have been how she truly felt. "I'm supposed to be staying at Grimmauld Place mainly for Reg, but he'll be there,"

"Isn't that where the Black family ball is held?" Alice asked


"What's it like?" Lily asked

"More importantly what is Sirius like, I can't picture him, doing the waltz," Marlene asked, she rolled her eyes.

"He's actually a pretty good dancer, a lot more charming-

"Ooh, you do like him," Marlene teased

"See I told you she liked him too," Alice said

"What do you mean to?"

"It's obvious that Sirius likes you," Lily told her

"He has a funny way of showing it," The bedroom door creaked open

"Girls, you should be settling down now, we have a busy day tomorrow,"

"Alright, dad," Marlene said, as they each had sleeping bags, on the floor.

Marlene slept opposite Alice, while Lily and Aimee lay peacefully next to each other. Tomorrow they were going to the Quidditch World Cup, they had worked out a system for working their way around in the hopes of potentially meeting a world-famous Quidditch player. 

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