𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚-𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

545 14 2

summer 1981,
you're in danger

Regulus knew the exact date that Marlene and Dorcas were going to be attacked. He made a plan with Sirius in order to get them out safely before anything else happened. He felt guilty that he couldn't find out about Theo and Jacob's death before it was too late.

He had a feeling that their mother had something to do with their deaths. As she informed the Dark Lord that it would be taken care of. At least her brother Daniel would be alright with their mother currently being on trial for her crimes.

Sirius headed upstairs to inform Aimee that he was going to help Dorcas and Marlene, he opened the door, she was fast asleep, he scribbled her note, draping the blanket over her. He lightly kissed her forehead, he hurried back downstairs, he and Regulus apparated out of Burke Manor.

They arrived in a small wizarding village, where Marlene and Dorcas had bought a house together. Sirius hurried to their house, Regulus waited noted how many other wizarding families lived in the area, there must have been at least ten other families.

"Sirius wait,"

"What, we have to warn them?"

"Yes, I know, but look," he said, gesturing to the other houses. "There are at least ten other wizard families here, we should evacuate the village,"

"Alright, go and warn them, I'll get McKinnon and Meadowes," they went their separate ways, Sirius knock loudly on their door, anxiously waiting for one of them to open the door.

"Who is it?"

"Sirius, open up," Dorcas creaked the door open,

"Revelio" she cast, in case he was in a disguise, after it was proven to be Sirius she allowed him inside.

"Cautious are we?" he asked

"Yes, I've had the feeling that someone was watching, not a person, an animal,"

"What kind?" he asked

"A mouse, or a rat, I can't remember," she said, "is there a reason you couldn't send a letter,"

"Yes, you're in danger the whole village is, me and Reg came to help, you need to get McKinnon and travel light," he told her, she didn't waste any time, hurrying upstairs to Marlene.

Sirius went back outside to help Regulus evacuate the village, there were many families here, some with children. Regulus took a few families aside, as they couldn't apparate. Never passing their apparition test, he hurried over to Sirius.

"This is Mr Harper and his daughter, they're unable to apparate," he explained, gesturing to the older wizard and his 8-year-old daughter

"Call Kreacher, he'll be able to take them," Sirius told him, as Kreacher appeared, Mr Harper's daughter, was deathly frightened of him, he held her in his arms, calming her down as the Elf apparated them away.

"Everyone should be out soon," Regulus said, looking around, "I'll do last check round,"


Marls and Cas are in Danger, me and Reg went to get them, I'll be home soon I promise, love Sirius. xx

Aimee jumped out of bed as quickly as she could she had been asleep for hours, she rushed downstairs they weren't home yet. She paced around the living room, she had no idea how long they had been gone, she clutched her side as a sharp pain shot through her.

"No, no not now," she sat down hoping to try and ease some of the pain, she was close, and alone, she had no way to contact anyone. She had left her ring upstairs, on the bedside table. As though her plea was answered someone walked through the door.

"Aimee, are you alright?" Remus hurried over to her

"Do I look like I'm alright?" she snapped, "sorry, ahh,"

"What can I do?" he asked

"Help me," she breathed

"Alright we're going to a hospital," Remus attempted to help her up.

"We don't have time,"


"That's everyone," Regulus said

"Alright, let's go,"

The four wizards apparated London Street, a loud scream came from inside, Burke Manor. They hurried inside, just as the screaming had stopped and replaced with loud cries. Sirius hurried into the living room, Remus' face was as white as a ghost.

"I did it, but I don't want to do it again," he said, excusing himself, for a glass of water while Aimee lay with two little girls in her arms, she smiled at him,

"My darling, I'm so sorry you had to do this alone," Sirius pressed his lips against her forehead

"I wasn't alone, I had Remus," she looked towards the kitchen, "is he alright?"

"I'll go check on him," Marlene said,

"Here, I'll clean them up," Dorcas said, holding her wand up to them, "scourgify" she cast cleaning up the little girls,

"What did you call them?" Regulus asked

"Well, I chose Hope Mia, for Remus and James mothers," Sirius said,

"I wanted Larissa Dorcas, Narcissa was a good friend to me and so is Dorcas," she said.

"They sound perfect, obviously," Dorcas said, Sirius wrapped the firstborn in a towel taking her into the kitchen to see Remus. He was stood over the sink, splashing his face with water.

"Moony," he said, Remus looked over at Sirius, "Meet Hope,"

"I already met her and it wasn't pretty," he said, smiling at the little one, "she does look better now she cleaned up,"

"It wasn't that bad I've done it twice,"

"No, you haven't actually had to grab the baby's head and pull-

"Alright, I get it, thank you, I couldn't imagine Aimee doing that alone," he held Hope up "I guess you couldn't wait to come out could you," he smiled at the newly born baby. "There's something else too, I think Wormtail was spying on Marlene and Dorcas,"

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