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second year,
sneaky getaway

As another weekend came Aimee had to stay behind while her brothers trotted off the Hogsmeade. However, today she was going to try her shot at sneaking into Hogsmeade, she had everything planned out. The route she was going to take, places she was going to avoid, in case she was spotted, by someone else.

She had to wait until the timing was right. She sat in the courtyard, watching the world go by she had a feeling that someone was watching her. She looked around her not seeing anyone, she turned back around, then somebody jumped out behind her.

"Hi, did I scare you?" Sirius said, sitting beside her

"No," she said flatly, "I've become used to you and Regulus trying to scare me,"

"What's the matter with you?" he asked

"Nothing just bored, I can't find a good book to read I don't know where Evan is-

"Well why don't you hang out with me," she eyed, wondering if she had the time.

"I suppose, but I don't have long,"

"Why do you need to be somewhere?" he laughed

"As a matter of fact I do, I'm meeting Theo and Jake in a bit,"

"Well come on if we don't have long," he practically dragged her up off the bench she was sitting on, she stumbled a little

"What's the rush why are you dragging me?"

"Because I wanted to show you something I found," she hurried down the grassy hills, they were near the edge of the forest, he stopped her, "Close your eyes," she creased her brows, before slowly closing her eyes, he held her hand guiding her to walk a little forward.

"Sirius, I'm going to fall,"

"Okay, look," she opened her eyes looking around they had walked a little into the forest, he flicked his eyes down. She looked down at small lumps of grass in the ground, they appeared to look like a tiny home, "just Hobbiton, from your book,"

"You read the story?" she questioned

"Well just the first couple of pages, Bilbo Daggins lived there right?"

"Baggins," she corrected him "and yes he did,"

"Bilbo Baggins, right," she never expected him to think about something like this. "What are you doing with you brothers?" he asked as they walked back towards the castle.

"Oh nothing much, but I doubt I'll be seeing them over the summer," she explained, he nodded, he spotted Remus rushing through the courtyard. 'What was wrong this time, it couldn't be his mother could it?'  he realised he wasn't paying attention to Aimee, just catching the last few words she said. 

"...and there's a full moon tonight-


"There's a full moon tonight, are you okay, you look worried about something," she asked 

"Yeah, I'm fine, I have to be somewhere, I'll see you later," she nodded watching him race towards the castle, as soon as he was out of sight, she hurried to the forest when she was certain that no one could see her.

She pressed the tip of her wand to her chest, morphing into a white dog, she picked up her wand with her mouth. As she trotted through the forest towards Hogsmeade Village, she hide down an alleyway, using her wand to turn back into herself. She gazed around, smiling brightly she jumped up and down clapping her hands.

"I did it, I'm really here," she spotted Honeyduke's and immediately hurried she knew that she couldn't buy anything as she had little money with her.

However, she couldn't resist seeing all the sweet treats that the Hogwarts Express didn't have onboard. She wanted to check out the book store that Andromeda informed her about, as she left Honeyduke's her smile dropped as she saw Theo and Helene.

She looked around for somewhere to hide, then she spotted an old rundown building, surprisingly the door was open. Aimee quickly closed the door behind her, she didn't realise that the building was an old pub, nobody clearly came here, the filthy floors and tables would deter many from staying too long.

"Scourgify!" she cast on a mop and cloth that began to clean up the place, once a table and seat were clean she sat down.

"What are you doing here?" an old man grunted, causing her to jump out of her skin.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone was here, you look very familiar?" she questioned, as he had long hair and beard, resembling the Hogwarts headmaster.

"Yes, I get that a lot from you Hogwarts students," he muttered, "you'll be familiar with my brother Albus,"

"Professor Dumbledore is your brother?"

"Yes, older brother," he looked around the room, noticing the cleanliness of his pub. "Did you clean up?"

"Yes, I wanted to sit down,"

"Thank you, I forgot how nicely made the furniture is," he run his finger across the barside, not a speck of dust was on his finger. "Would you like a drink?" she nodded her head,

"It's not a bad place, why did you close it?"

"It's not closed," he placed a glass of butterbeer down in front of her "people just stopped coming, no customers, no work," he said sitting opposite her

"I'm sorry, have you always been here?"

"No, I moved here, when I needed a fresh start, after a death in the family,"

"Oh, I didn't know-

"How could you?" he said, she looking down at her drink "it was a long time ago, decades before you're parents time,"

"When did you attend Hogwarts?" she asked

"I graduated in 1902," Aimee calculated that dates in her head

"Would you have known Amelia Trelawney,"

"Oh yes, I remember Lia, nice woman very secretive, always carrying around her little book, making notes,"

"She's my grandmother, I'm named after her, my mother wasn't too fond of the name, so she called me Aimee, it's similar enough, I've never heard anyone call her Lia before were you close?"

"Yes, I should have listened to her more, maybe a few things could have been avoided," she noticed that Helene and Theo walked past the pub.

"It's been nice talking to you, I should go before anyone notices I'm gone,"

"It's wonderful to have the company, Aimee,"

"Thank you, Mr Dumbledore-

"Aberforth Dumbledore," she nodded offering him a small smile as she left the pub. She looked back looking for a sign, she saw a filthy sign that was too difficult to make out the letters she narrowed her eyes, to make out the words.

"Hog's Head Inn,"

Aimee felt a need to help him, she saw the smile he had when he saw his clean pub, maybe she could find a way to get Aberforth some customers. That might boost his confidence in keeping the Hog's Head in business she would have never expected him to be Professor Dumbledore's brother.

She couldn't wait to visit her grandmother now, maybe she could come to the Hog's Head Inn, it would be a nice surprise for the bar owner and her grandmother too. 

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