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first year
human transformations

Aimee waited outside of her transfiguration class, she was early and stuck outside, she slid down the wall sitting on the floor. She took out a book to read while she waited for the rest of her class to arrive, with just a few pages left of the chapter she was on, she managed to finish the chapter before class.

Professor McGonagall arrived, she allowed Aimee inside, while she prepared their class. She sat with her books out ready for the lesson, as more students arrived filling the empty desks, Evan approached her desk.

"Thanks for saving my seat," Sirius said, practically throwing himself in the seat next to her, she smiled at Evan, shrugging her shoulders. He rolled his eyes at Sirius, as he walked over to another desk, sitting with Severus.

"That was kind of rude," she told him,

"You wouldn't mind if he sat with you?" he question

"No, we're in class anyway, not like we could talk,"

"Fine, next time I won't help you," he said, opening his book to begin reading.

"I didn't ask for your help," she said, clicking her fingers in his face to get his attention, "and I don't need, help from anyone,"

"I thought you didn't like Rosier," Sirius argued

"Good evening class, turn to chapter 4 of your textbooks and begin to read through the passage on human transformations," McGonagall instructed, she opened her book to the correct page.

"I never said I didn't like him, I said he can be a jerk at times," she whispered, he eyed her up and down, "What?"

"I thought you wanted to stay away from people like Rosier,"

"And them people would be?" she asked

"Pureblood fanatics,"

"I do but he hasn't done anything to convince me-

"Miss Burke, Mr Black, am I interrupting something," McGonagall asked

"No professor," she said, Sirius rolled her eyes at her.

"Good, then might I suggest you pay attention," she wanted, turned her attention back to teaching, she focused on her work ignoring Sirius.

Transfiguration was the one lesson she wanted to pay extra close attention to. If she was hoping to prove to her parents she could become an animagus one day, she needed to gather as much information as she could.

As the class was close to finishing, Aimee slowly packed her things away. She watched as the last few students left the classroom, she glanced over at the head of Gryffindor house. Aimee took a deep breath, as she cautiously approached Professor McGonagall's desk.

"Professor, could I ask you a question about human transfiguration," Aimee said, McGonagall adjusted her glasses, waiting for Aimee to ask her question. "Is being an animagus the same as human transfiguration?"

"What an unusual question Miss Burke," Professor McGonagall said, seeing the question rather advanced for a first-year to come up with.

"I was just curious because you're an animagus aren't you professor?" she assumed

"Yes I am, but the change to becoming an animagus is very complex and a combination of Potions and Transfiguration, this kind of magic can be very difficult to master," McGonagall explained, "This change shouldn't be attempted without the correct knowledge on the subject, it can have very disastrous consequences if performed incorrectly,"

Fixing Old Traditions | 𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz