𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆

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seventh year,
damn it, potter!

With only a few months before they graduated from Hogwarts, then Aimee could spend all the time she wanted with little Ethan, she insisted that she and Sirius would have him overnight when the new baby was born.

She spent the first few weeks of January mostly in the library studying for her practice exams before her final exams will be taken. While she took a break from studying, she looked through her planner, to figure out which subjects she need to focus on most. Then she noticed the date.

'I'm late, I'm never late,'

She left the library, determined to avoid Sirius, she needed a girl to talk to. Suddenly all her emotions recently made sense. She recalled how Laura's emotions would either be excessive crying or irrational anger. While she hadn't snapped at anyone, she had come close to it.

She avoided passing Sirius in the Hallways, though he didn't think too much of it as her mind was too focused on her exams. Aimee made her way to the Head Girl's dorm, she needed to tell someone of her suspicion, and thought Lily might be the best person to talk to.

She glanced around the hall before walking into the dorm, she cringed, James' room was only next door, he could hear her if she spoke too loud. She just prayed that he was out somewhere with Sirius, keeping him busy, while she figured this out.

"Lily, it's Aimee, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute," Lily said, she waited outside, she smiled at her as she opened the door,

"Are you alright, you don't look so good?" she invited her inside.

"No, Lily, I'm not okay," she said, pacing around her room, "erm, no one else knows, especially Sirius-

"Can this wait-

"No, I need to talk to so one now, you can't tell anybody but, I think I might be pregnant,"

"You're pregnant!" James exclaimed, falling out of Lily's wardrobe

"Damn it, Potter!" she wiped her face, "Don't look at me like that, you must think, I'm some irresponsible idiot," she slumped down on Lily's bed,

"No, no we don't think you're irresponsible," Lily said, sitting next to her rubbing her shoulders.

"Now me and Lily that's irresponsible - Ow," Lily pinched his arm,

"I'm a little worried, I'm already showing a little, and if I work out the dates right, I should only six weeks,"

"Come on," Lily pulled her up, "We're going to see Madam Pomfrey,"

"What! What for?" she questioned

"Just to be positive that you definitely are, before you start panicking over nothing,"

"Okay," she took a deep breath.

Lily and James escorted her to the hospital wing, she whispered to James to go and find Sirius. He snuck away while she and Aimee waited for Madam Pomfrey, Lily approached the Mediwitch to inform her of the delicate matter, they were dealing with.

"She'll be a minute she's just finishing up with a patient," Lily said, sitting beside her, "do you know when you last, you know,"

"Yeah, I mean we're not stupid we do use birth control potions, but they're never a hundred per cent are they,"

"Well, they aren't always," she said, holding Aimee's hand, "you know, if you are pregnant, I'll help you any way I can,"

"Thanks, Lil," she rested her head on Lily's shoulder, "how long have you and James-

"Could you keep it a secret for now?" Lily plead, "I just know Marlene is going to go crazy,"

"Yeah, sure,"

"Alright Miss Burke, Miss Evans tells me you think you may be pregnant?" Madam Pomfrey said, pulling the curtain around them.

"Yes, I should be around 6 or 7 weeks, but I'm already showing a little," Aimee lifted her shirt, to reveal a tiny bump.

"May I?" she gestured to her stomach, she nodded, Madam Pomfrey placed five crystals in a circle on Aimee's stomach, she then placed identical crystals around a crystal ball.

"Using the crystal ball we'll be able to take a look inside to see if you're pregnant," Aimee held her hand out, for Lily to squeeze her hand.

"Ah, this explains why you're showing," Madam Pomfrey said, moving the crystal ball closer to Aimee,

"You see this two little blob here," she said, Aimee nodded "they are your babies,"

"Babies? There's two?" Lily said,

"Yes, you're having twins," Aimee laughed

"That isn't right, please check again," she asked

"It's not wrong, you are having twin, that's why you're showing so early," she explained

"I can't have twins, my mother had twins, she always said how awful it was-

"Aimee, it's going to be alright?" Lily tried to calm her

"No, how in the hell are going to fit in my body,"

"Aimee?" Sirius said, hurrying through the hospital wing

"Sirius, what are you doing here?" she asked

"James said you were sick," he said,

"I'll leave you alone," Lily said as she, Madam Pomfrey and James left the couple to talk.

"Are you alright?" he asked, sitting beside her on the hospital bed, she nodded her head, "well what happened, say something,"

"I'm fine, I think, look at this," she handed him the crystal ball, "We're pregnant," she said, he looked closely at the crystal ball

"Why there two things?" he asked

"They're twins," she said, he shook his head in disbelief 

"How do you feel?"

"Like I'm want to throw up," she said "truthfully, I'm not sure how I feel,"

"Well, even if you're not sure, we'll be okay," he held her hand, kissing her forehead "we'll work something out, I promise,"

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