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fifth year,
my juilet

Footstep of Slytherins walking past her bedroom easily woke Sirius up, he smiled as she laid in his arm. They had shared a bed many times before, though this time was different. They had been intimate with one another, he wasn't going to ever forget his 16th birthday, she stirred awake, smiling up at him.

"Morning," she whispered,

"Morning beautiful," he said, she pull the covers up to her face, giggling to herself, "what?"

"Nothing, I'm happy," she smiled pressing her lips against his, she flicked her eyes open, pushing Sirius away.

"Shit, we're late for class," she said sitting up, almost taking all the covers with her, he held her hand to keep her from standing out of bed.

"It's just one class we don't need to rush," he told her, she smiled at him,

"That may be, but I don't intend to break my perfect record yet," she said, playfully nudging his shoulder, she was about to stand up, to get dressed "could you not look?"

"You didn't mind me looking last night," he smirked at her, she cocked her brow at him, "fine," he laid back throwing a pillow over his face.

She didn't need to keep an eye on him she knew he was respectful enough not to look, as she changed. Once she tied her hair up in a messy bun, she took the pillow from Sirius, playfully hitting him with it, she jumped off the bed backing up against the wall.

"You really think I won't come over there," she shrugged her shoulders,

He wrapped her blanket around his waist, covering his lower half, he pressed his hand against the wall on either side of her. She bit her lip, her eyes wandering down his body, he smirked, leaning down to her.

"Like what you see?" he whispered, nibbling at her ear, she reached down pulling the blanket open, he quickly grabbed the blanket, she moved away from him.

"Come, we're going to be really late now," she laughed, he shook his head at her, she waited in the hall outside, smiling to herself.

"Aims, I thought you had a class this morning?" Regulus said as he walked out of his room

"I do, I just overslept," she said, Sirius opened her door,

"Hi, Reg," he eyed them curiously, she just lied to him, it wasn't a secret that they had slept in bed together.

"Hi, enjoy your birthday?" 

"I'll definitely remember it," she laughed

"I'd love to stay and talk but we have class and you need your robes," she said, noting that he was wearing last nights clothes,

"I'll come with you, I heading for breakfast now anyways," Regulus said, walking with her and Sirius through the common room, she had never been more thankful for Daniel already being in class.

"I've got to go and get my things," he told her, kissing her cheek, "see you in a bit, my darling Juliet," he walked away, she creased her brows

"Did he just call me Juliet?" Aimee asked

"Yeah, I think he did," Regulus said, she smiled

"I guess I should start calling him Romeo," she laughed, she knew from Regulus' expression that he was confused about what they meant

She made it to class, while also receiving detention from Professor McGonagall, she was more annoyed that she missed the introduction to non-verbal spells. That she had been looking forward to learning about, many students kept glancing up at Aimee, Marlene couldn't contain her smirk and neither could James.

She noted that Alice was sitting with Frank rather than Mary, and Marlene couldn't stop glancing over to Dorcas. It seemed more and more relationships were blooming and Aimee couldn't wait, all the teasing they had given her and Sirius they were going to get it right back.

The weeks had gone by quickly, Aimee assumed that Sirius wouldn't be able to make it to her brothers as he hadn't mentioned once about Christmas. She hoped it wouldn't bother him if she weren't coming to Grimmauld Place this year.

She made sure she had packed everything, Sirius lounged on her bed, he had already packed everything the night before so he didn't have to do anything today. He handed her each of her books one by one, he counted them as he gave them to her so far he was at 15.

"Don't forget under my bed," he reached under pulling even more books out from under her bed,

"That's 27, who in the world reads 27 books while at school,"

"I don't read them all, it's just nice to have options," she said, "I'm reading this one at the moment," she showed him a book titled A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Sirius turned the book over to read the blurb.

"Sounds boring,"

"I think you'll like it," Aimee packed the book into her bag, "I read it every Christmas," he chuckled,

"About Christmas," he said, "is it alright, if I get there a little late,"

"How late are we talking?" she asked

"After midnight,"

"Why that late?" she asked, then she realised "oh, Sirius if you're going to get in trouble, you don't have to come-

"I want to be there, spend time with you and your brothers," she smiled at him,

She kissed him, he guided her back with him, he sat on the end of her bed, bending her knees, she straddled him. She broke their kiss, wrapping her arms around him, she always loved how whenever she hugged him, they fitted together perfectly as though their bodies were made to hold each other.

"I'm so glad you came into my life Aimee Burke," he said, placing a tender kiss on her lips,

"I love you, Sirius Black,"

"I love you more," he said, she smiled placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Not possible,"

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